Favorite Video Game Glitches/Easter Eggs?

  • Thread starter amirally27
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The Hero in Green
Towns Folk
Do you guys have any favorite Nintendo Video Game Easter Eggs or Glitches?
I love using the Fierce Deity Mask glitch in majoras mask 3D. With this you can wear the mask anywhere. It is really simple. You can also use this to wear the giants mask but that crashes you game :(
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It not much of a Easter Egg but in HarmoKnight if you complete certain levels you can unlock bonus levels which are some of the songs from Pokemon. Like my favorite bonus level is called "Your Bicycle" and it's the music from SoulSilver/HeartGOld when your riding your bike and you can play along to it.
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After all these years, MissingNo.'s still the king, baby. It's difficult to put into words how disappointing it is that no glitch comes even close to MissingNo. Easy to execute, weird and neat effects on the game, and an utterly fascinating sprite. I mean, look at that thing. Somebody put some time and love into that. It has a face.

Actually, first gen Pokemon glitches in general are ludicrous and I love them. All of them can be seen without cheating devices if you're clever enough, and in Pokemon Yellow some turning-off-the-power-while-saving trickery outright allows you to warp to any map in the game on the fly.
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My favorite glitches would include the Farore's Wind anywhere glitch and the Super Bomb Jump (is it called that? >.<) in Ocarina of Time 3D. It was certainly fun to me doing things like going to the Shadow Temple as a child :playful:
My favorite easter egg would be that Majora's Mask in Link's House in ALBW :D It's an obvious one but it was cool because it looked like Link was wearing it when you merge to the wall.
I really liked the glitches in Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. There was a glitch called the "Super Swim" which allowed you to swim across practically the whole map with just Link and one breath. Then there is bomb hovering or ghost hovering. This allows you kill yourself with a bomb and then continuously do jump attacks(while your dead). This is usually used to get over spikes and out of boss fights.
I thought it was pretty cool to be able to play as the Master Hand in Super Smash Bros. Melee. It was really fun to use the moves the Master Hand knew. I'm not sure if it's a glitch or an Easter egg, but now I know how the Master Hand Feels when he beats you.