Favourite anime 2014

  • Thread starter Ashkil
  • Start date


Space Cowboy
Towns Folk
What's your favourite anime of 2014? It's been a great year for anime with shows like Psycho Pass 2, Zankyou no Terror, Kill la Kill and No Game No Life to name a few, so which do you think was the best of the year?
Parasyte - an anime I highly recommend. I paused Zankyou no Terror and I really enjoyed Psycho Pass 2, but Parasyte took the cake. No Game No Life also isn't bad, but that's also an anime I "put on hold", just like Kill la Kill.

Akame ga Kill was alright, but it lost its magic early in the game ;-;

I love Persona 4 the golden anime, but I just can't see it replacing Parasyte in my book. I like SAO more than SAO2, soooo...
At the start of the year I thought it would be akame ga kill or sao season 3 for sure. Akame ga kill was good in the beggining but I sorta stopped watching it when everyone started dying. Didn't really get to me how killing off all the main characters was meaningful. And as for sao I thought it would be the best anime of the year because the first season is one of my all time favorites but I just couldn't watch past 15 episodes of it. They really tried to stretch everything out but making 2 volumes of an arc in sao into 15 anime episodes was just a bad move on my opinion, they should have made it shorter. Tokyo ghoul and mekkaku city actors were probably the best in my opinion for the first half of the year. The other half of the year goes to parasyte maxim but overall I probably liked Tokyo ghoul the best
Was so disappointed by sao second season :(
Space Dandy, with all the guest directors and writers that appeared, the entire series was a large melting pot of ideas and it turned out much better than it could have been and while the series isn't perfect, its definitely one of the more memorable anime series to come out of 2014 and in my opinion, the most enjoyable.
Parasyte/Kiseijuu took the cake for me hahaha
Having read the manga years ago, I just loved how they tweaked a 20+ year old story and still make it good. It has it's flaws like cutting out certain things but it was to improve the pacing overall so I guess thats a necessary thing to do.
I enjoyed animes like aldnoah zero, haikyuu, barakamon, zankyou no terror and psycho-pass 2 but if i had to choose my favourite would be Parasyte/Kiseijuu for sure