Favourite Nintendo Villain

  • Thread starter Ashkil
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Space Cowboy
Towns Folk
So who's your favourite Nintendo villain? It could even be from just one or two games, like the ever awesome fawful (easily my favourite).
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Gannondorf, they guy is a boss
Hades! He's as casual as can be while also being evil and very funny. (And very sarcastic, gosh that sound like me if I were evil....) Bad description but Hades FTW. "Ooooh Palutenaaaa! Pretty Paluuuteeenaaa?" Friggin hilarious. (Hades from Kid Icarus Uprising)
Ganon/Ganondorf (Legend Of Zelda)

he was powerful and challenging to beat in Ocarina of time (when he transforms). He was easy to defeat in Wind Waker, which was a bit disappointing, though.
My favorite Nintendo villain is Skull Kid because he's so cute and innocent and then when he wears Majoras Mask he's this bad *** epic beast :3
Perhaps Giygas because of the most creative ending for a video game rather than a straightforward fight. Personality wise maybe Hades or Wario. Ganondorf is alright and "pure evil" but truly he's as basic as Bowser. Team Plasma and Cypher were the best Pokemon Villians (one for personality, one for ideas). But the villain to rule them all? ... Tom Nook.
One of my favorite nintendo villains is Antasma from Mario and Luigi: Dream Team!
I really like his design, and his final battle music sounds pretty cool!

Here's his Final Battle Music:
Master Core from SSB 3DS

He is the thing of nightmares...
Waluigi ;3 he needs more recognition

Fawful is pretty awful
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Reactions: Ashkil
  • #10
I take it of course you mean fawful is awfully awesome
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Reactions: zekiebouy
  • #11
I take it of course you mean fawful is awfully awesome
Oh yes for sure :wtf:
  • #12
I love Fawful. The first one I've ever heard to talk in wordsalads.
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Reactions: Moon Rain
  • #13
Great picture your awesome :thumbsup::):D
  • #14
Thank you! (I found it on the internet, just google Xerneas) :)
  • #15
I'm with Ganon as well, it's the only villain I can consider as a Nintendo villain favorite so far.
Bowser is cool but meh for being a favorite, it doesn't feel like a real villain anymore :/
  • #16
It is a tie between Ridley and Ganondorf. Ridley is one hard boss battle, and is also Samus's rival, just like Ganondorf is to Link. Ganondorf serves as a real threat to Hyrule, and he can really put up a fight. Even after so many years and incarnations, he still manages to pose a real threat to Hyrule.
  • #17
This is a hard one, since I have a lot of favorite Nintendo villains. Ganondorf would have to be one of my favorites...
  • #18
Believe it or not, my favorite one is Bowser! I like how he's persistent no matter how many times he fails and get melted by lava, gets stomped on, explodes and so on, he rises and is back for more! He's actually immortal;, so that's another positive thing about him too! He may seem like a bad guy and all, but, the truth is, he's just misunderstood! He's a good guy deep down, so ou can't bring yourself to hate him, even though he plays the villain! What if he's doing all the princess Peach just to turn the country into a democratic one? Did you ever consider that? He may be a "bad guy", but he could also be the real hero and YOU the bad guy!:p
  • #19
Personally, I think Ridley is the best Nintendo villain ever. And there are a couple of reasons why:

1: He is easily the coolest looking villain of Nintendo. I mean, look at him, he's a ' dragon. And dragons are already awesome. And that appearance is pretty intimidating...

2: Unlike Bowser and Ganondorf (Even though I love those villains too), Ridley has a relationship with Samus even before the series started or before she even started her journey. He raided Samus's home planet and murdered her mother right in front of her. I mean, wow!

3: He is the most efficient villain. Rather than take over a planet, Ridley, in spite of being a Space Pirate commander leaves that job to his forces and instead decides to prevent Samus from completing her missions. Many of his battles are downright amazing (With the battle in Prime being one of the, or maybe the greatest battle in a Nintendo game). His battles are engaging, atmospheric, equal and challenging.
  • #20
An obvious choice for me would be Ganondorf since he's one of the most notable villains in the Legend of Zelda games, which I really like :3 A next one would be Hades from Kid Icarus: Uprising since he's so sarcastic and humorous in what he says in the game, which is like all the time xD