Tutorial Flipnote Studio 3D Tutorial

  • Thread starter Paulie880
  • Start date


Nintendo King
Towns Folk
Here is a little tutorial!

Ok! Click on the "Create button". Once you did you can draw. Try drawing a circle on the corner left. Then click the Right side of the D-Pad or the Control Stick. That is your next frame. Try moving the circle father to the right frame by frame. You can change the tool you want by clicking "A". You can change the style and thickness of the tool. In order to do that you have to move up on the Circle Pad or click up on the D-Pad. You can click down on the D-Pad or move down on the Circle Pad. You can change the color of the tool by clicking "B" in drawing mode or clicking on the colored lines in the tool selection. By clicking the two squares you can change the style of your animation or picture.
Getting More into:
In the tool selection you can click the frame button to add frames or copy. Click the camera to add frames of you or the outer. Click the mic to add sound or music. Click the 3D to change the style of the 3D when you move it up.
In settings click on the box that says: Normal. Touch advanced to change it. In advanced you just add layer.

There you go!:)
I think everyone who has flipnote knows how to operate it and use it,only newbies would want to know this information but i like flipnote since its something i can use in contests and more,so far i created a flipnote using basic features and sounds effects.