(Fortnite) Easy Leveling Up

  • Thread starter phofufury
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Towns Folk
There are several ways to level up in Fortnite, often taking more time once you are not super charged. However, some of these simple mechanics can still level you up pretty good.

1st mechanic: Find loot paths. Finding loot paths such as locations with many chests and ammo boxes. You can also find locations with plenty of items to forage, such as apples and mushrooms. Visiting gas stations and other buildings can let you find food containers. When you open these, they also give you XP. Llamas and fishing barrels give you a good amount of XP when you open them! Loot crates give a lot of XP when opened, and you can find plenty of them on Team Rumble. Never destroy chests or objects that can be searched for XP! If you like to survive and not fight much, this is a great mechanic to use!

2nd mechanic: Survive and get Eliminations. Surviving Storm Phases give you XP. Getting Eliminations also give plenty of XP. If you like to fight, then this is a great mechanic!

3rd mechanic: Duos or Squads. Personally, I like to play a Duos or Squads by myself with fill off. This is so I can get more kills, and not split them with teammates. However, it can be difficult to go up against a squad with a one man team. Another aspect of this is that every time you knock a player down, you can search them before finishing them off! Once you search them to find their teammates, it gives you bonus XP after finishing them off.
If you can rack up kills, you can also rack up your bonus XP.

4th mechanic: Fishing spots! Fish spots may seem underrated, but they can give you some pretty good XP. Find locations where they have a lot of fishing spots and you can rack up XP. This would be preferably done on Team Rumble, so if you get sniped while fishing, you'll respawn!

These are some basic mechanics that are often times overlooked, but if followed, can be good XP farms!
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