Free Downloadable Pokemon X or Y

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Towns Folk
...With registration of one of the games listed in the link.

Kind of upset that if I waited a little bit longer to purchase Pokemon X, I could have gotten it for free since I own New Leaf. Oh well, at least now I have both versions of the game.
I really want to pick one up now. I don't have a 3DS yet so I might just go ahead and get it to take advantage of the offer. Probably gonna go with Mario Kart 7 for the game they require too.
That's awesome, I own 2 of those games. I'm gonna get one of them :D which game should I choose? X or Y?
You haven't registered them right? I think that's the only way you can get them if you had purchased them before March 1st

As for the game, just go with whichever color you like more lol I'm getting Pokemon Y
That's awesome, I own 2 of those games. I'm gonna get one of them :D which game should I choose? X or Y?
Well, X and Y have Pokemon that are unique to each game. If I were you I'd go through each list and based off that, pick your game. There were more Pokemon in X that I wanted before I bought the game, hence why I went with that one.
Well it doesn't matter cuz I can't do it. I no longer have my 3DS Pin number so I couldn't properly register it and get the game. :( Even though I tried registering 2 of the 6 games on the list, nothing would take because I couldn't properly register my 3DS system (it's old and I no longer have the box or club nintendo inserts...)
You should pick up the game anyway, it's really good! :D
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You should pick up the game anyway, it's really good! :D
I might....been thinking of gong back and playing a pokemon game but don't got one to play so. :p
Well it doesn't matter cuz I can't do it. I no longer have my 3DS Pin number so I couldn't properly register it and get the game. :( Even though I tried registering 2 of the 6 games on the list, nothing would take because I couldn't properly register my 3DS system (it's old and I no longer have the box or club nintendo inserts...)
That sucks. Luckily for me I'm a console box hoarder so I still had my code.
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  • #10
That sucks. Luckily for me I'm a console box hoarder so I still had my code.
The ironic part? I just recently threw the box away, maybe 3 or so months ago.....but I could've sworn i kept the inserts.....just can't find them.
  • #11
this is really good but doesn't apply to me, I've never owned any of those listed games. xD

who doesn't want free Pokemon X/Y? <3
  • #12
Can I register someone's system as my own plz? :p If they have no interest in club nintendo I mean....