Contest Funny Phrase/Story Contest!

  • Thread starter TheDS34
  • Start date


Shut up already, the ds has started!
Towns Folk
Tell me a funny story, then ill pay you something that's useless 'v'

Must be age appropiate
Must be funny (This doesn't count, its your decision!)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnd thats all! folks

Member ships of this contest:
0 PC paid, and won: You get a horrible pic from me!
1PC paid, and won: you get a club nintendo europe yoshi pic!
2PC paid, and won: get a mario family pic from club nintendo europe
3 pc paid, and one: Be a judge!

P.S, You can be any region to enter and win! Have Fun!

EDIT: Deadline is April the 1st (NO APRIL FOOLS!)
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o pc:

1 pc:

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I'll join sounds fun. Once, (This is more embarrasing then funny) I was at the nearby park with all my Friends. About half of them went to the shop to get some sweets meaning there was only me and two friends left. One of them decided to sit in one of the baby/toddler swings. She was fine untill she wanted to get out. She couldnt. I ran over to help pull her out but failed. So, i pushed the swing so it flipped over and she fell out. Her bottom hit a sharp rock under ripping the behind part of her leggings. She stood up. A little bot behind us said "I can see pink spotty girly pants!" in a cute voice before screaming. Me and my other Friend laughed the rest of the day. Ha ha!!
I will pay 2pc. What does the judge Do??
I'll join sounds fun. Once, (This is more embarrasing then funny) I was at the nearby park with all my Friends. About half of them went to the shop to get some sweets meaning there was only me and two friends left. One of them decided to sit in one of the baby/toddler swings. She was fine untill she wanted to get out. She couldnt. I ran over to help pull her out but failed. So, i pushed the swing so it flipped over and she fell out. Her bottom hit a sharp rock under ripping the behind part of her leggings. She stood up. A little bot behind us said "I can see pink spotty girly pants!" in a cute voice before screaming. Me and my other Friend laughed the rest of the day. Ha ha!!
I will pay 2pc. What does the judge Do??
its so you can judge others; nice story!