Funny Risky's Revenge glitch.

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BlueJ was here.
Towns Folk
So,most of you don't know this,but I bought Risky's Revenge the other night. (Am I seriously going for all three???? :eek: ) I have to say,it's pretty good,lol. :) Especially the music,my favorite part of any game,if it's good! Anyhoo,I was traveling really far into the desert,when I died. :/ Dang,have to restart from Scuttle Town.Sadly,I made Shantae crawl out of the Save Room to mimic how I felt about making it so far. :cry: That's when it happened:As soon as the next screen loaded,lo and behold,Shantae wasn't there! :confused: I could move,I heard her attack voice,but she wasn't anywhere in sight! :hilarious: Had to restart the game.One of the most funniest glitches I've ever seen on this game! XD
Haha, that's funny. I guess the crawling Shantae was just her spirit in its last few moments on earth. :cry:

I've encountered similar glitches in some games. Did you try moving into another room to make her load again? (Would be hard to do when she's invisible though :p)
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Lol,never tried that yet! I may have to experiment with that glitch to see what can be done! xD I have to play it again anyway,need that 100%. :p
:eek: Lol that's pretty funny :hilarious:

I had a glitch where Shantae flew away, I made a blog post about it :p
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@paceygym :She what!? XD Oh my gosh,I love funny glitches like those! I wish I could've seen it!
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i realized my glitch was in pirates' curse :panda: hehe, whoops, it was still hilarious though
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Of course,any glitch is funny! XD I've experienced a lot of em in the past games we've played.Lol,if you were with us then,you would've been howling! :hilarious:
Of course,any glitch is funny! XD I've experienced a lot of em in the past games we've played.Lol,if you were with us then,you would've been howling! :hilarious:
The funniest glitch I've ever experienced is rather scary too.

My PS2 disk of Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror was badly scratched, and when I played it a level loaded up after a long time - the textures of some environmental details (boxes, stiles) were missing and below them were GREEN SMILEY FACES :eek: I'm telling the truth! It was weird.
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@Spinnerweb :Geez man,that's creepy! :eek: I've never even,after all the games we've played,have ever heard of glitch like that. .-. gosh that gives me chills... :nailbiting:
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