I'm Not A Pikachu
Towns Folk
I've been sick this week; had some time off from school; what better time to make a review?
This time I'm reviewing Crash Bandicoot released for the PS1 back in 1996.
Crash Bandicoot was developed by Naughty Dog
Crash Bandicoot was released on August 31, 1996
Fun Fact for everyone here, back when this game was in development it's code name was "Sonic's <censored> Game" because the camera was facing the character's backside and the most popular animal at platforming at the time was Sonic the Hedgehog. You can use this code name now to describe a Sonic game you don't like .
The evil scientist Dr. Cortex and his assistant, Nitrus Brio are using animals as test subjects to take over the world, the experiment on Crash fails and he is chased out the castle and falls out the window
Tawna, a female bandicoot is up for experiment next, and it's up to Crash save his possible but never confirmed girlfriend.
The levels are a simple Point A to Point B levels however every level except for bosses have boxes you can break open you break all the boxes in the level you get that stage's gem and some levels have boxes you can't reach without obtaining a gem from another level. Check point boxes will save your level progression but the boxes... if you broke any boxes hit the checkpoint and die you will be back at your last check point but those boxes have re-spawned and are now unbroken .
each stage has a tiki mask called Aku-AKu which is your basic shield as Crash has one ht deaths in this game, you can hold up to 2 Aku Akus at a time but get a third one and you will be invincible and run faster for a short period of time.
The PlayStation Dualshock controller didn't come out until 1998 so for this game you had to use the dpad to move crash and he actually controls quite well here
X jump
Saving is ......
To save the game you have to find 3 emblems of Tawna go to a bonus stage and beat it, why do I have to beat a bonus stage to simply save the game?
and for those who have no memory card you'll need to put in a password to pick up where you left off and sometimes these passwords are a marathon of buttons. not a huge problem though
Final Score
+ Graphics are beautiful
+ Controls well with a D-Pad
- Save System
8.5/10 Great, It's a must have for the PlayStation
Now if you excuse me, I need to get some rest right now.
This time I'm reviewing Crash Bandicoot released for the PS1 back in 1996.
Crash Bandicoot was developed by Naughty Dog
Crash Bandicoot was released on August 31, 1996
Fun Fact for everyone here, back when this game was in development it's code name was "Sonic's <censored> Game" because the camera was facing the character's backside and the most popular animal at platforming at the time was Sonic the Hedgehog. You can use this code name now to describe a Sonic game you don't like .
The evil scientist Dr. Cortex and his assistant, Nitrus Brio are using animals as test subjects to take over the world, the experiment on Crash fails and he is chased out the castle and falls out the window
Tawna, a female bandicoot is up for experiment next, and it's up to Crash save his possible but never confirmed girlfriend.
The levels are a simple Point A to Point B levels however every level except for bosses have boxes you can break open you break all the boxes in the level you get that stage's gem and some levels have boxes you can't reach without obtaining a gem from another level. Check point boxes will save your level progression but the boxes... if you broke any boxes hit the checkpoint and die you will be back at your last check point but those boxes have re-spawned and are now unbroken .
each stage has a tiki mask called Aku-AKu which is your basic shield as Crash has one ht deaths in this game, you can hold up to 2 Aku Akus at a time but get a third one and you will be invincible and run faster for a short period of time.
The PlayStation Dualshock controller didn't come out until 1998 so for this game you had to use the dpad to move crash and he actually controls quite well here
X jump
Saving is ......
To save the game you have to find 3 emblems of Tawna go to a bonus stage and beat it, why do I have to beat a bonus stage to simply save the game?
and for those who have no memory card you'll need to put in a password to pick up where you left off and sometimes these passwords are a marathon of buttons. not a huge problem though
Final Score
+ Graphics are beautiful
+ Controls well with a D-Pad
- Save System
8.5/10 Great, It's a must have for the PlayStation
Now if you excuse me, I need to get some rest right now.