Game companies

  • Thread starter Mikaya
  • Start date


Towns Folk
which game company makes your favorite games?

I like Insomniac games, Naughty Dog, Rockstar, Game Freak and some others.
BioWare and Ubisoft are so far my favourite Non-Nintendo gaming companies.
activison. Capcom use to with the Onimusha series but they haven't made once since PS2
Bandai Namco (Tales series), Fromsoft (Souls series), Square Enix (Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Bravely Default), Tri-ace (Star Ocean), Nintendo (Fire Emblem and The Legend of Zelda).

Those are the main ones.
Rockstar, EA.
My favorite are Nintendo, Rock Star, Game Freak, Bethesda and Volition.
I like the following companies: Game Freak (Pokemon), Nintendo EAD (Mario and Zelda), Capcom (Monster Hunter), Sony Online Entertainment (Planetside 2), and Project Sora/Sora Ltd. (Kid Icarus Uprising and upcoming Smash Bros).
I like gamefreak,Atlus and EA games.
My favourites would be Nintendo, Capcom (Monster Hunter), Sega, Bandai Namco and Game Freak.
No Activision, EA or Ubisoft, because they love too much the Priced-DLC system.
  • #10
1. Atlus (Brigandine, SMT series)
2. SquareSoft :p (Chrono Cross, Legend of Mana)
3. Capcom (MegaMan series)
4. Vanillaware (Odin Sphere, GrimGrimoire)
  • #11
Never really noticed the game companies much before... So I'd have to choose Nintendo! :D I like the original Nintendo games made by Nintendo! Of course I like 3rd party games as well just not as much... If I has to choose a 3rd party game developer? I'd have to choose whoever makes shovel knight and 8-bit games like that (1001 spikes!) I enjoy 8-bit games like that! They have that nostalgic feeling about them so to say..
  • #12
Bethesda (Elder Scrolls), Rockstar (Max Payne, GTA), VALVe (basically every game), I suppose. I like indie games, too, just I don't favourite particular indie game companies