Game Freak?...

  • Thread starter Kakea
  • Start date


Towns Folk
I saw the game card jockey? (I can't remember the name of the game) But... game freak is the company who helps make Pokemon games right!? Is this game something they normally would do when working alone? Or it's more fun than I assume: (I played solitaire before... it was NOT fun, so I'm assuming this game's pace may not be as fast or exciting as I like) Is it worth it?
Pocket Card Jockeys is an awesome game especially since it's less than ten dollars. You should try out the demo (if you haven't already). The game isn't slow you need to be quick or else you'll never win. One of my favorite things about it is that when you can name your horse, You can name it ANYTHING you want. (And I mean anything). It's definitely worth it for being on I think 6-7 dollars.
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Reactions: Kakea
Maybe I'll look at it then: I like naming creatures, plus I'll learn how to play solitaire :D
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Maybe I'll look at it then: I like naming creatures, plus I'll learn how to play solitaire :D

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Reactions: Kakea
It can't be a crime if Game Freak just wants to make some game that is other than Pokemon :p I like the idea of Pocket Card Jockey which makes it stand out from the other games of the similar sort (You have to be quick xD). For those who like Solitaire, I think the little twist is great and worth getting.
I hope they can make more games away from Pokemon :D but I hope
they release more games outside of mini game things... (It kinda reminds
me of a gambling mini game from Harvest Moon DS
Lol, it kind of looks like a game you would find on a cellphone app or something. I donno if it's any good or not but I was wondering the same thing my self when I saw it. It might be fun if you need just a small game to pick up and play once in a while with out having to worry about getting into a story then you have to go do something and losing what you were doing.
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Reactions: Kakea
Yeah, it DID seem like fun...
The biggest reason I hated it was only because
your avatar MUST be the most derpiest MC ever!
They seem to only have a one tracked (dumb) mind, which was too stupid4me
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