Game guide?

  • Thread starter Maddie
  • Start date


The Hero in Green
Towns Folk
Do you ever buy a game guide for any of the games you have or have had?

I did buy a game guide for Luigi's Mansion on my 3DS. It is very rare for me to buy a game guide because I am usually able to find what I need when someone else posts a walkthrough on the internet somewhere. If a walkthrough doesn't have the information I need, then I may consider getting a guide. It depends on how tough the game is.
I remember having one for the Wind waker. I got stuck a few times on that, and the guide was really helpful. Very useful, indeed. :p
I don't even know where I could buy a game guide, though I never needed one personally.

Plus the thought of paying money just to have someone guide you just eats at my cheap and self-sufficient soul so I would never invest in one.
i got one for mario and luigi dream team there are a ton of hidden stuff and also there is the list of all items/ clothes you can get.
I've never bought one. The only ones I had (if we can consider them as guides) were an old magazine focusing on PS1/N64 and GBC games (it provided small, but good guides for Gran Turismo 2, Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow, Smash Bros., and more...), and a more recent manga magazine who gave tips about Pokémon Platinum (though some of these tips could also work with D/P).

And I won't buy one... Why ? Because Internet.
I won't waste my money on game guides when you can simply go on Google and search up [Name of your game] walkthrough.
Although I bought a game guide for A Link to the past on the SNES, I haven't ever bought any game guides since then.
I think the Internet provides all the guides, walkthroughs, and tips you could ever need. I've seen some nicely illustrated guides for games like Mario Kart 7, but their "tips and tricks" are really just common knowledge(i.e. use a mushroom here to go up a "secret" ramp!).