Game recommendations for a non-gamer?

  • Thread starter Chickenfoot
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Devourer of Cakes
Towns Folk
I've recently been wanting to get my girlfriend into games, especially on the 3DS, so what games would you guys recommend for someone who's completely new to gaming (as in only played games like Crash Bandicoot/Spyro during the PS1) that she would enjoy?

Preferably 3DS games, but you could recommend PC, PS2 and Gamecube games as well.

Thanks in advance :D
You should try games like Animal Crossing or Pokemon. Both are pretty casual games but for Pokemon you could also be competitive.
Animal Crossing or Cooking Mama, maybe?
Well if you're new to gaming, you'll probably enjoy a simple platformer. If that's the case, try New Super Mario Bros 2 or Super Mario 3D Land, they're both fun and easy platformers for a new user to enjoy. If you want a bit more adventure in the game, try Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask 3D. If you want a real simple RPG game then go for Pokemon XY or Pokemon ORAS. Fun multiplayer games? Try Super Smash Brothers for 3DS or Mario Kart 7! All the games I've mentioned are for 3DS since you are a new user :p
Animal Crossing, Pokémon... or Smash Bros. Smash can be casual and has a lot of neat content to practice. AC and Pokémon are popular casual games, and maybe the Mario spinoffs (Kart, Party, Dr.)/3D platformers too because you can't go wrong with those.
Something simple, not too competitive like Animal Crossing maybe. I have this friend of mine that hate all games and she said that she always lost in any kinds of game. I tried to explain that not all games are competitive but she won't listen.
So if your girlfriend is in the same shoes as my friend, then definitely something not competitive!
Something simple, not too competitive like Animal Crossing maybe. I have this friend of mine that hate all games and she said that she always lost in any kinds of game. I tried to explain that not all games are competitive but she won't listen.
So if your girlfriend is in the same shoes as my friend, then definitely something not competitive!
It varies from culture to culture a lot so yeah that's why I picked what I picked in case anyone is wondering. Heck I know a female gamer that's into Wario and I knew one that was into everything 1st Party Nintendo so yeah. Kingdom Hearts and Sonic would be good ones to add to my list as well now that I had thought about it recently. I have relatives that grew up with the 64 and Dr. Mario/Puzzle League and maybe even Brain Age so there's those options too.
Here's some 3DS games I'd reccomonded for non-gamers:
  • Mario Kart 7
  • Animal Crossing: New Leaf
  • Sonic Lost World
And Wii U:
  • Mario Kart 8
  • Sonic Lost World
  • Animal Crossing Ammibo Party (?Maybe?)
Of all the games that I can think of, either a Pokemon game or Mario Kart 7 would be great for a non-gamer. Pokemon is a really fun game and both casual and competitive and is usually user-friendly. Mario Kart 7 is basically a game that anyone can pick up and play and get addicted to it :p
  • #10
I'd recommend maybe trying out some multiplayer games so you can play with the girlfriend. Therefore, I recommend New Super Mario Bros 2, Super Smash Bros, Pokemon, and Resident Evil: Revelations. All of these, with the exception of Pokemon I think, can be played cooperatively so you can show her the ropes ^.^
  • #11
Start her off with Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon (Harvest Moon DS, Tale of Two Towns, etc) or the new one (AKA Story of Seasons), Cooking Mama, Tomodachi Life, and or Nintendogs.

You know the casual gaming ones you can even try Pokémon if you want. But the casual gaming is the best way to ease someone into gaming that's how my mom started gaming with Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon.