Gaming Complications & What to do (general)

  • Thread starter Kadaj
  • Start date


The Masochistic Hardcore Player XP
Towns Folk
What im going to discuss here may be an old story, but at the same time its very common among many gamers who play a lot and work hard: frustration. I have met a lot of people in my life who get very frustrated from continuous failure while gaming, especially and most notably the younger people in my family have this exact problem. Of course, this is worse for some people than others, but i have a young nephew who plays mario and when he keeps dying midstage too much and does not break he in worst cases throws what i call a "rage fit" or starts crying, etc. I am not disregarding the fact he is under 10 years at age, but remember: there are adults out there who react in very similar ways here to the subject. The extent is normally not as extreme as the one described above, but remember this golden rule i have personally: things can happen when you least expect it.

But back on to happier things here, im writing this not only to remind the masses here of the reality of VG frustration, but also and specifically to give some ideas to help the more unstable or emotional gamers out there. Anyone can use my ideas, though; there is no exception there. ;) me personally, im one to just get tired and exasperated from retrying from the same point like that, i dont get angry or throw rage fits. Just tired and wish for the issue to be over. Now then, the tips! Lets get to the point here.

1. Take a break! I cannot stress this enough when one is considerably and overly frustrated with a game. The best way to calm down here is to set the game in question aside and do something to help relax your mind. Sing, play an instrument, or better yet, watch some comedy. Do something youre either extremely good at or anything in general that always has you extremely happy regardless of the scenario.

2. Stop and think similar to the above, but i highly recommend taking a break before this. Dont just jump right into whatever chapter, level, etc that youre stuck on if youve been trying over and over again with the same result of failure; this is the very thing that causes gamers to add to their frustration: jumping in without a plan or failure to evaluate the current situation before making a decision. If you know that simply trying repetitively isnt working, it should be loud and clear that it's time to stop and think about what to do to finish the issue. If you continue going in without a plan, youll only further frustrate and agitate yourself. In many cases, this is what happens to people who go in without a plan. Remember the rule of thumb with nearly all games: strategizing is the key to winning! This is especially true with a majority of Japanese games, but obviously applies to many other games out there as well.

Remember, the best way to fight fury and fruatration is to do something that makes you happy. One thing i do if im tired here is watch funny Mario videos displaying ways to die midstage. I lol so much watching these i often get a bellyache afterwards and of course relieved and significantly better. This is what works best for me, but everyone has different tastes so humor can vary among persons. I know its extremely hard to make the move here when one is overly desperate and determined to keep going despite the frustration, but what is more important is your well being, whether it be physical or mental; health comes first. If you dont find a way to ease yourself, you will only further hurt yourself and psychological well being (sorry if i kinda exaggerate, but i dont know how else to word it sorry guys. Im not good at that >.<). Just remember to do what is best for you, even if it hurts a bit. The mind functions significantly better when relaxed and calm enough which will allow you to come up with a plan effectively and promote your mental ability to strategize.

The most important thing to do here and in other various situations is to be aware that what you are doing isn't working and know from here that it's time to stop acting carelessly/recklessly and come up with a plan. This is one of my personal and major skills, im very good at it, but everyone's mind does not function exactly alike. This is easier for some than others.

Hope this helps people here and saves some trouble! Good luck out there, guys! ^~^