AC:NH Glitch that lets you place trees and flowers on path

  • Thread starter Mizunil
  • Start date


Born at a young age
Towns Folk
Hello! I saw a cool glitch online (I wanted to show the original source, but I lost the post) so I'll explain it here! As the title suggests, Its a very useful and easy glitch that lets you place trees and flowers on paths.

- Firstly, you're going to ask Tom Nook to move a house
- Go to the area where you want to place the trees/flowers
- Choose "Let me imagine it.." then cancel the process
- Now you can dig holes in that "Imagined' area!

Its a quick and neat trick that allows for more decorative options. Also quick note that this doesn't work on custom paths, and I believe once you reset the game the path isn't diggable anymore. So I think you have to redo the trick to un-plant flowers, but I haven't tested it (the flowers spots might always be diggable).

I hope this helps someone out, pictures provided in the spoiler!


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When you need to expand your fruit farms :eek:
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Reactions: Duffy, phofufury and Mizunil
This looks so weird and I LOVE it! It might make some weird glitching looking islands but I like it haha.
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these types of wierd for fun glitches that are for amusement reminds me of the glitches in smash 64 only possible with reliable rates to pull off in training mode with the greensheels and mario tornado b down attack while mario and other character directly upnext to green sheels when doing b down tornado as mario for a almost endless attack that do crazy damage and other player cant get free until green sheels are gone or some strong attack sends both players flying like electrode explosion on saffron city.
something wierd to do to have mindless random fun with animal crossing game at least until future update somehow fixes this glitch and makes it unable to replicate the glitch on your or anyones island again in the future.
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