Goblins vs Elves... who would win?

  • Thread starter Gecko
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Who would win? Goblins or Elves?

  • Goblins!

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Elves!

    Votes: 4 66.7%

  • Total voters
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Son of Anarchy
Towns Folk
I was online yesterday, and I saw an MTG deck of "Goblins vs Elves" , so I decided to post this thread. Who do you think would win? Goblins or Elves? I personally think Goblins because they're small and strong and run around hitting people in the knees with little spiked clubs :3 so anyway, that's my opinion. I look forward to the forum war this creates....
Pfft, elves FTW :p They are smarter, and not as "barbaric" they have the better technology
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Pfft, elves FTW :p They are smarter, and not as "barbaric" they have the better technology
Not necessarily. I consider the Hobbit/LotR books' goblins and elves to be true goblins and elves, and while goblins are indeed barbaric and cruel, they are definitely smart and have plenty of technology (which they design and then usually force their captives to make). Here is one of my favourite descriptions of the goblins by Tolkien:

'It is possible that they are responsible for some of the inventions which have troubled the world since, especially those ingenious devices for killing large numbers of people at once, for wheels and bangs and explosions always delighted the goblins.'

So the goblins are not really stupid. In fact, at one point in the story they use stealth to attack the dwarves as well.

But - elves would still win. I admit to being usually drawn to the bad guys. But while I am partially a goblin sympathizer, I am in full support of the elves. They are noble, more disciplined, better fighters likely - and their bow-and-arrows are very effective. Also, I think the elves would outnumber the goblins, giving them even better odds, because goblins live in mountain caves whereas there are countless elves and of different sorts - Wood-elves and such.
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