Got a Diancie and Other Cool Stuff!

  • Thread starter AurSic
  • Start date


Pokemon Senpai
Towns Folk
While watching FairySylveon's ( stream early this morning, she was giving away shinies and legendaries through wondertrade. During this time I scored two of those giveaways, a shiny Registeel and a Zygarde. Hours later someone was offering a Diancie for any shiny they didn't have. My friend just happened to have given me a shiny Hoppip last week and the person didn't have one yet! So I think tonight was one of my favorite stream nights.
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:OOO I kinda don't believe you but that so not fair. The only good things I got recently was the Groundon for OMega Ruby for Story line and a free Dratini from my friend. How did you get a shiny Hoppip from your friend? (Free or trading?) BTW You should have kept the Hoppip because 1) You can breed it for a higher rate of shiny eggs and if from another country then even higher and 2)I saw an offer an Pokebay and GTS an offer of a Shiny Zaptos and a Shiny Ditto. Gg though.