Gunman Clive 2 announced for 3DS

  • Thread starter Reece
  • Start date


I heard some members around Pedia, recommended this game, to people who have some loose eShop credit, in there account, and don't know what to spend it on, so if you liked Gunman Clive 1, I hope you like it's sequel, Gunman Clive 2 has been announced for the 3DS:

Gunman Clive is a great game! I'll be looking forward to the sequel for sure. The trailer looks nice!
Hopefully Duck Mode makes an outstanding comeback.
never played it tho but maybe one day I'll get the chance to try it
Looks great. Maybe I'll have to check it out in the distant future. The gameplay reminds me a little bit of and upgraded version of KI:M&M but with a nicer enemy AI and multiple themes.That guy reminds me of Flint from Mother 3...
I was never interested in Gunman Clive , even though, how much I heard around the forums about it being good, and worth every penny, I just was never intrigued by it. Now, this game looks amazing! If I were to get a Gunman Clive game, I'll get this one. I was sold on "More Ducks".
I think I will try this game out. For just $2, there's no reason not too, and it looks like a crazy fun game. I don't know if there are giant T- Rexes or panda mounts in the first one, but I'd give either one a go. I might wait for the sequel to come out before deciding, but I really would like to play one of these soon.
I really loved the first game, so knowing he was going to release the sequel, and for the same price, made me happy.
Awesome news if I have to be honest.