Harmoknigh game review

  • Thread starter TribstyAnn
  • Start date


Towns Folk
I've wanted this game for a while and finally got it from Club Nintendo. Keep in mind that I am a big music fan.

I enjoyed the gameplay mechanic of just using two buttons to play the game, but after a while it got very repetitive. There is a little spice when you get to play as other characters with other abilities but that happens very little. I felt like the boss battle were very weenie and most of the time even easier than the normal levels. This kind of threw me off a bit but overall the mechanics might have been a little repetitive but they worked very well and the controls were pretty smooth.
The games music was fun and enjoyable and was different for every level. I never felt like the music got annoying.
The story left a little to be desired. I was good but happened so fast you couldn't absorb it. I felt like it was too rushed to make any lasting impact.
The graphics were good and smooth. There was nothing about the graphics I didn't like except that I thought tempo was ugly. I very much enjoy the movie and story clips. Both were done very well.

Score: 6.5/10

Let me know if you agree with my review and what you thought about the game were in the comments below. :) If I missed anything let me know.
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Yeah your review seems to sum up my thoughts too . It was a great game to me and I had so much fun ! The only thing I didn't like about the game is that you really have to listen to the beat to get things correct . The things were sometimes repetetive too but it was quite cool game overall.
Thanks. I'm looking at this game as my Club Nintendo reward and this good review was very helpful. I still want it but now I have a better idea of what to expect :D
But I heard it's still a good game, though of course you couldn't compare it to retail rhythm games like Theatrhythm or Rhythm Thief.

But I agree on the point that rhythm game must not be repetitive. It should be fun, and of course, challenging.
Good. :) I'm glad I could be of service. Also just because I like/didn't like a game doesn't meant you will have the same feelings about it. I try to get a balanced review so hopefully people can make their own decisions instead of making there decision based on what I said. Try to give them some ideas but not make their decision for them. :)
I was recommended Harmoknight so this review was very useful. I like how you organized the review though. Well done review. I think I'm not going to buy it though :p
I'm glad I could be of service. :)
I agree with most, I got this too off of club Nintendo found it difficult, im a casual gamer slow on learning I got the hang of it fast though, and found out a faster mode is available not sure where .. I love the music too! and the Bonus pokemon Level is a nice addition not sure if you got to that yet but its neat! I found the story short and dull.. But I think you nailed everything just right!
The faster mode is available in the stage selection menu. You can access this by pressing the y button. To unlock fast mode you need to get a great on a level first. To unlock the collectable pictures you need to get a great on the fast version. I hope this helps. :)

If anyone wants to they can donate a couple play coins as a tip if they found my review helpful and informative. This will help to have more reviews in the future. :)
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  • #10
Do you guys want more of these type of reviews from me?
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  • #11
Good review of the game i wanted to know a little about the game as i was thinking of getting someone to get it from Club Nintendo for me but i think i will go with Kids Icarus Uprising even though Harmo Knight is not cut out for me i guess.
  • #12
Not a bad review but you should also provide some screenshots and give more information since a review is based on something you experienced but good work friend.
  • #13
Hmm, I guess these are the only ones that you'll be looking forward to:
  • Final Boss - Gargan - I beat him up on the 21st try with 1 heart left ugh. *noob feels* it feels fulfilling after beating his as$ and watching the last cutscenes.
  • Unlocking the Secret World - Final Trial (World 8)
  • Pokemon Bonus Stages!

If you think that this game was sooo much piece of a cake for a gamer, then try completing the last stages in the last world. Those are soooo much frustrating if you'd ask me. And there some stages that uses the directional buttons (up, down, left, right).

It's true that you can finish the game (upto world 7) with one sitting, and I think that's the reason why there's a disclaimer that you need to rest after 30minutes of playing. But I think the story is not that serious compared to Rhythm Thief. It's all good.
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  • #14
I would love to include screenshots if I could do that on my 3DS. Also I know you could find screenshots elsewhere if you looked.