In an alternate universe where Pokemon exists
Towns Folk
Truthfully, this is the case for me, I am too busy playing minecraft, but I also want to browse the internet, or watch youtube at the same time.
There are probably not many of you who are like this, but possibly one of you could use it...
I have just taken a screenshot of this page (becuase I creating it in Minecraft)Now, you are probably thinking, "How is this possible?"
The answer, is a mod called WEBDISPLAYS. it is For Minecraft Version 1.7.10,(And will probably be updated in the future)
So, If you dont want to spend time closing Minecraft, or just minimising it, this is perfect for you.
Now, i Do suggest you know this. It is quite simple to set up, but to click and do stuff might be a pain.
One reason is because you have to move your player to click on things, and the keyboard is a small bit laggy.
The other reason is because one small mistake (weather it be accidently breaking the screen, or trying to load too many web pages) can overload it. It will lag out alot, and it will take a few minutes to fix...
If you want to try it out, the mod website is easily able to be found on google/bing by serching for "web displays mod for minecraft"
It has worked perfectly for me.
There are probably not many of you who are like this, but possibly one of you could use it...
I have just taken a screenshot of this page (becuase I creating it in Minecraft)Now, you are probably thinking, "How is this possible?"
The answer, is a mod called WEBDISPLAYS. it is For Minecraft Version 1.7.10,(And will probably be updated in the future)
So, If you dont want to spend time closing Minecraft, or just minimising it, this is perfect for you.
Now, i Do suggest you know this. It is quite simple to set up, but to click and do stuff might be a pain.
One reason is because you have to move your player to click on things, and the keyboard is a small bit laggy.
The other reason is because one small mistake (weather it be accidently breaking the screen, or trying to load too many web pages) can overload it. It will lag out alot, and it will take a few minutes to fix...
If you want to try it out, the mod website is easily able to be found on google/bing by serching for "web displays mod for minecraft"
It has worked perfectly for me.