I remember two events the first one I was in kindergarten. Everyday at lunch I would be physically picked by one of the lunch monitors because I was the smallest in my class. Everyday it was the same thing she would come and pick me up. I got annoyed by it one day and pinched her at the time I didn't think it was very hard but after school that day the principal and the monitor came to me and my mom. The monitor showed us her arm (which was entirely black and blue) she said that I attacked ran up and attacked her but it was obvious I couldn't reach her arm. I told the principal she picks me up all the time. In the end I got lectured that squeezing arms isn't nice and the monitor got fired.
The second thing is that back in the 12th grade we had a story project that we were supposed to turn in for a grade I asked the teacher could I submit a story that I was already working on from the Fan Fiction site she gave the okay just fix the names. She told us not to copy any shows or movies.
Which wasn't that big of a deal because I could easily fix the names and places of my story to fit my OCs. I turned in the story thinking I passed the project only for my teacher to give me a referral for 'Copyright'. I told her that I wrote the story I just changed the names, and to prove it to her I logged in to my account and showed her my story. She told me that she'd have to check with the principal.
In the end I got a 50 on the project because I used a story that I posted on the internet. But you wanna hear something funny. A kid submitted One Piece as his story, same names and all and he got a 100.