Help! Do I buy ORAS or SSB4?

  • Thread starter RapidPoison
  • Start date


Pokemon Entrepreneur
Towns Folk
I've hit a fork in the road of purchasing a new 3ds game. I've narrowed it down to two games, Alpha Sapphire (Pokemon, duh) and Super Smash Bros 3ds. I was at first leaning towards SSB but now that I've looked into more ORAS content I've become enthralled in my favorite childhood remake of a game. Sapphire was my 2nd pokemon game (Firered being my first) played it for hours. While on the other hand Smash was also a childhood pastime. I would always go over to my friends and play. With pokemon I have Y so I'm still in the current gen and can battle n' stuff. While all my friends who own a 3ds have SSB4. Help me choose which one to pick and give me reasons and a reccomendation.

Thanks! :D
with all the given information , it's easy to sum it up to Super Smash Brothers for 3ds :D It is one of the best games that you can play with your friends so playing with them will certainly be a blast , also it is very addicting as a fighting game .

Pokemon AS is also good but I believe that it is better to get SSB4 first :p
Both are very good games
I would just get Smash, at least with Pokémon you have one of its latest games so you won't be left out when your friends battle and stuff.
Thanks for the feedback guys,
I think ill get ssb then get AS in a vew months, thanks for the help
I would say Super Smash Bros. because it has a lot of variety. SSB4 also in my opinion is one of the best 3DS games ever!
I say that you should get super smash bros. There is a huge roster of characters to fight as and each one has different attacks. There is also dlc for it too. There is stages and new fighters for dlc. There is also several different game modes in it which are always fun to play. You will not regret getting this awesome game.