
  • Thread starter azzellover
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Towns Folk
Im Irish Scottish German and American Indian my face hair grows Orange which is interesting whats your heritage
I'm Black American on my mom's side and German on my dad's side!


Oh Hetalia...
I'm Saudi from both parents, my great grandfathers are Russian from my dads side, my grandfather from my moms side is Syrian, I'm part Turkish, and I'm related to more Arabian places people never herd of unless they're there for themselves to see and discover :D.
I'm Native 'Murican, Chinese, and Filipino
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I love 'Murica
so nice to hear about you guy/gals heritage
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Asian (Taiwanese), live in Maryland, have yellow skin, slanted eyes, glasses, and, as stereotypes seem to promote, I DEFINITELY have buck teeth and long hair and wear one of those fr*ggin scholar hats and I look like a monkey, too. Oh, and my GPA is 4.0
My parents are from Bangladesh (India), so I guess that makes me part Bangladeshi? I was born and raised in England though, so that makes me British! ^.^
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My grandparents on my dad's side are Irish I believe.

Never looked into it deeper than that though.
  • #10
I had to do a speech on this earlier in the school year, but unfortunately my heritage is rather boring. I learned that my ancestors on my dad's side came from Germany and Poland. My mom's side is slightly more interesting; I have ancestors of German, English, Cherokee (a very small fraction), and even Georgian (the country, not the state) decent.
  • #11
I am part: Indian
  • #12
i love hearing from you all
  • #13
50% CUBAN AND PROUD. No seriously, my whole mom's side is cuban, and you could bet you had a little family gathering when Castro died, and they talked about the tragedies they went through there because of him.

Correction, my grandparents talked about the tragedies they went under Castro, they were born in Cuba and came here on a plane. All of their kids (aka my mom and her siblings) were born in the U.S.
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