Hey peeps! Opinions

  • Thread starter blinboy
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If Serebii hasn't posted anything about it, then it's probably fake.
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If Serebii hasn't posted anything about it, then it's probably fake.
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Reactions: blinboy
April Fools. :p I have seen many of these types: don't trust any of them. Only Nintendo because the Nintendo Direct was real :D Plus Serebii. Plus they don't have any sources as well... For sure they WILL make a Sinnoh remake next though! :D
I wish.
Lol I wish. There were a bunch of pokemon April fools on Wednesday. One of the articles was saying that nintendo decided that the next pokemon game would be mostly underwater with the trainer having scuba suits and there being a bunch of water types in the game and I though it might be true until they said April fools at the end :p

I want Gen 4 remakes so much ! :cry:
This aside, you can pretty much tell it's fake, because Nintendo would have assault the Internet and the TV channels worldwide with ads for it, either if it's just to announce it or to sell it. Plus, Ghostrealm studios, and not GameFreak ? What is this supposed to be ? An alternate universe ?
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Well, that wiki is called 'Fantendo', so it's likely that everything made there is fan-made. I can tell it's fake, especially since it was clearly fan-made, it is not on the eshop whilst an eshop description is given, plus 'Ghostrealm Studios'. I mean, really?
Of Course is what I would say that this is fake though I can say the name is enough for any one to be deceived :sneaky: I'm sure that they can't just make a remake of this so fast . Though I would really have wanted this , it's too good to be true in my opinion . Perhaps later they will make a real one .... maybe
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