
  • Thread starter Kakea
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Towns Folk
Me and my bro: @P2.0 was randomly talking (about Kirby! :p ), when I thought of idea!
If Meta knight IS the same as Kirby, and if the 8 inch creature ever grows up: he'll have to
choose a copy ability to use forever! I thought of a idea going off this (unofficial) idea, there
are more "Kirbys" in the series. Either copied from the original, or actual other Kirby's
(Kirby adventure scared me when, other Kirbys popped up to grade your performance in the mini game)
What if there was a game that has you raising a Kirby? depending on what you do/what ability you use
the most, will decide what kind of knight he'll be. (There were other Meta knights... knights... adult Kirbys? too)
What kind of knight would you be? What ability would you end up using more?
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Reactions: MindzEye and P2.0
Yeah, I have to agree. I mean, in Kirby: And the Amazing Mirror, you can see when defeat Meta Knight, his mask comes off. And you see Kirby's face, just a bit more serious-looking underneath. :eek: I'd personally would love to have a game where you could raise a Kirby. You could see what kind of knight he'd grow up to be, and probably do other amazing things in the game. It sounds fun to me, at least. :p
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Reactions: Kakea
Sounds interesting, but I don't think every Kirby grows yup to be a meta knight. I just think that was meta knight's career choice? Also I don't think Nintendo will ever admit that meta knight is another Kirby. I think they want it to be a "mystery" or something.
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Reactions: Kakea
Lol! You may be right! Maybe they grow up to be one of the other creatures you see in the game?
Maybe after eating so much of something, they might turn into: Chef, Bronto Burt, Chip or even
Bata Blaze once they finally grow up!
(That's creepy if they do actually end up eating each other...)