Honor Those Who Passed Away in 9/11

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Towns Folk
Hi guys. It's been a while huh?

So anyway, today is 9/11, which is a day of a really bad event that happened on the twin towers.

Terrorists attacked the twin towers by hyjacking airplanes...

The terrorists also died, but they are evil and deserve no support at all.

Many people died in 9/11.

So honor those who passed away.

That's all i have to say today.
Goodbye and have a safe day! :)
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To the families that have lost innocent loved ones that had been taken too soon from you, you all have my condolences. May they have found peace and happiness in the next life.

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Of course, I am 2 day's late since I didn't see this thread. But, to the lost friends and relatives in NY on that day.
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