How do you guys stay organized?

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Nintendo 3DS Legend
Towns Folk
Life has been busy and people have different ways of organizing. Some people use Google Calendar, Planners, sticky notes, memory...

For me I use planners, and a combination of google calendar for events ;-;

What about you guys? How do you guys stay organized and stuff? >.<
Memory. You just have to know what you have to do at what hour, and there's not as much guilt as that of a written schedule if you don't follow it.
I use my planner and my mobile device.

In my planner is nice because I can have it all physically spread out in front of me. I have a two page calendar spread for each month where I put in appointments, days work or school changes, and due dates for any big project (but not little ones like work sheets).
Then I have my day spread out weekly on two pages where I write down again my due dates and appointments, but here I'll include smaller assignments due dates too.
In my planner I have a page called "To Do" which I use when I have a big project (like a novel study) so I can list off everything I need to do for that project and check it off as it goes. Since I have a binder I can move this list around so when I open up to whatever week it is I also have my To Do list reminding me what I have and haven't done yet.

On my mobile I have a To Do list which I use for my grocery shopping/general shopping list. Then I use the calendar again to put in my appointments and what not.

I'm incredibly forgetful so the repetition of writing down what I need to do is helpful and just having it displayed in several places is helpful too.
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For schoolwork I have all my due dates saved on an outlook calendar which alerts me about upcoming assignments

For everything else, I just rely on this huge brain I have for some reason
It's all habit. If I need to remember a date that isn't a significant birthday or a holiday, I sometimes write it down on a physical post-it note or the windows gadget version. Otherwise, I have no trouble remembering it.
I've a pretty good long term memory, so memorizing things works fine for me, but for more obscure things, @rawrrie, I write it on my white board. Having a white board on your wall next to your bed is a very satisfying commitment...
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A combination of memory, and a crap ton of Sticky Notes. Occasionally I will text myself for day-long reminders, but not often.
I'm so awful with organization, and I really need to get better. I'm awful with using planners too, I barely use the one I have now. I've got a little notebook for next year though; it's not a proper planner, just something I've divided up by week and will put due dates and to do stuff in. Hopefully being able to customize it and whatnot will make me more inspired to use it. It was inspired by the bullet journals, except mine's been done poorly since it's my first one. (Gotta learn somehow though!!) Hopefully that keeps me together next year (and beyond). Just this semester alone, I've forgotten so many due dates and whatnot because I'm awful with using my planner. Recently, I forgot I had a 15 page paper due this coming Tuesday (and thankfully he became lax on the page requirement with those of us that have been consistently showing up) and only started on it a few days ago after I finished a 10 page paper that was due the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. And I kept forgetting about an assignment for my journalism class and ended up sending in an awful story just so I could get a grade. @_@ (Didn't send my email to the people I needed to email till Tuesday, they never got back to me, so I had to type up something that would get me a grade. She lets us rewrite, so it could be worse.) Next year, I'm definitely striving for better organization.

Right now, to get me through the rest of the year, I'm writing daily to do lists down on sticky notes to keep myself track with stuff. It's going decently well. I got a little behind last week because of the Sun/Moon launch and me wanting to play that + going to classes. I'm caught up now, but the daily to do lists are a little counterproductive to me right now. I'm getting stuff done, which is great, but I feel like I'm rushing through it a bit just so I can say I'm getting stuff done in a day, which isn't so great. I'm thinking that once the new year rolls around, I'm just going to do weekly to do lists that way I have a whole week to get stuff done rather than a day. I think it'll work out a lot better for me since I have classes twice a week and I'll be able to work it all out around my schedule. @_@

I also use Trello to help me keep up with due dates for online stuff and real life stuff, or just let me keep up with things I want to do but can't necessarily do right at that moment. I generally pull stuff from that to work on if I need something to put on my to do lists right now. I've been using it fairly frequently this semester and it's helped a lot, so I'm hoping that plus my bullet journal will help me keep up with everything next year as I strive to be a more organized person.

I don't really use my phone for anything just because I generally don't use my phone for much anyways. It's just not something I use very often. xD Right now, the only thing I'm really using it for is to remind me of something in the mornings for the next couple weeks because I keep forgetting. @_@ I'll see it in the mornings before I really leave the house to head to campus, so if I forget, I can run back in and grab it rather than getting to campus and realizing I forgot again. Otherwise, I just use it in a pinch if I need to make note of something and have nothing else to write it on or in.
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