How far will you go (or have gone) to get a game (or for a series)?

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Hard At Work
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Because there are always fan bases you are a part of or you have a certain interest in that one series that stands out above the rest. How far will you go to get a game or do something for that series? Examples: Making fanfictions, waiting x amount of hours in line, cosplay (like anyone ever does that >_>), etc.

Like I have made several unfinished fanfics for the EB/Mother series, went to buy Smash 3DS at the store with my own money, and I imagine writing lyrics for those themes that don't have lyrics to begin with.

Because really there is an infinite amount of ways to be open about your favorite (fill in the blank).
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Well, the farthest I generally went with all of the games I wanted was literally annoying everybody around me about the game I wanted. And when I got it... It became even worse for them before I calmed down. I was 10 at the time I was doing it, so, I guess it's still excusable.

But I wouldn't got to the point of making fanfics, fanmade characters or anything like that. (And cosplaying ? Not even thinking about it, and there's no way to do it where I live anyway)
I would never write a fanfiction because on mast fanfic services is stuff everywhere
(Ever wanted to know how much Pikachu and Ash are befriended?I hope not)

If I remember right I stood up before the shop opened one day,so that I could buy the game as the first
The 3 Hours waiting were the msot boring 3 hours in my life:sleep:
I think dressing up as videogame characters is okay.
But I never did that
To get a game for a series I would go as far as scowering the internet for ROM files, working summer jobs (because I am still in school) and just asking my friends for the game that I need.

For example, i really want Super Smash Bros 3ds really bad but I don't have the money for it. That's why I borrow it or eevn resort to just having the demo to enjoy it before I actually scavage enough money to purchase it.

The reason why I want the 3ds Super Smash Bros is because it's portable, I can play it anywhere although I'm almost sure that the WII U version will be 10x better. But, I care about mobility more and I feel the 3ds version will be perfect for an "anywhere" experience.
I personally owned all the Harvest Moon series (and Rune Factory series) games on a Nintendo Handheld system (and I play some for sony system on computer in the past).
When I was a kid, I just ask my parents to buy me the games, in return for a good grade (like 3 or more As).
Right now I'm doing surveys on many websites which made me able to buy sooo many games XD
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To get a game? Well I can speak on my friends behalf, he bought 15 copies of Pokemon platinum at GameStop, did the Arceus Gamestop mystery gift, transferred it all onto his real game then returned all 15 platnuim sand got his money back.

For me though, I made my mom wait online for 2 hours to get the Skyward Sword Wii Remote preorder which comes with Skyward Sword, a CD and a custom Zelda wii remote. She also got me the handguide. It's really cool buts let's just say I have beat skyward sword yet :p
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How far I've ever gone... Tbh, I've never gone very far into getting a game.

Usually, I work harder in school, focus more, and work harder on any other learning subjects (such as instruments/music) to earn my games. I don't go very far when I want something, but when I do, it's just nothing but learning harder.
Talking about nintendo games I admit I am a fan of the most famous nintendo characters. Anyway I never did a cosplay or even think about doing one of them, but this year that has just passed was somehow special, it was the first time I dressed up like Mario and my girlfriend as Princess Peach, that was so cool and we had a really nice time together sharing something completely new to me.
I've never really gone that far for a game or series that I really like. I guess I may pre-order a title that looks promising or buy it on the release date but that's it. As long as I get the game in question somewhere down the line, it's all good. xD
  • #10
Actually I would try and do those forever looping surveys that never worked...And I would hint to my parents that I wanted the game. Or I'd the dishes and laundry...thinking my parents would allow me to get a game or just award me since my other siblings don't do what I do...but they say "Nice job Jeff, keep it up! You're learning maturity!

Leaving me like
....that's not why I did that

So I usually just ask for the games on Christmas but.....that doesn't always work out either.
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  • #11
The most I'd do is write some sort of review/make a video on it.

I don't like writing fan fiction and cosplay isn't my forte.
  • #12
I would not go THAT far to be honest, heck I haven't pre-ordered any 3DS game until now. I am considering starting to review games in the near future, and hopefully that will help to acquire some games that I would like.
Cosplay is just too time consuming, and I doubt that it will net you any kind of game-related stuff.
I am not one of those people who camp outside stores to buy a simple iPhone/PS4. I can only just wait for the game to come out, get an opportunity to go out and pick it up or find it online and order it.
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  • #13
I've only as far as preordered one game. Dark Souls 2. Probably because I loved the first game and all that I wanted to get it on day one.
Realized preordering isnt really too worth it so I never did it again lol.
  • #14
I've never really had the need to go too far to get a game, to be honest.

The most I've gone for a game was with Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS, where I went out on release day and endured a 40-minute long bus ride (and back) to pick it up at the nearest GAME store I really knew the location of.
  • #15
Actually, I haven't gone really far to get a game ( In my opinion at least.) All I do is find out what game I want, save up for it, and then buy it. Sometimes I even question of my choice to buy the game. Perhaps I could buy something else. You never know. I wouldn't resort to anything drastic like stealing or cosplay.:p
  • #16
I haven't gone to far to get many games. The most I have done is: so I didn't have a 3ds because I didn't feel it was worth it. Then way later when Pokemon ORAS was released, I dropped everything and bought a 3ds and alpha sapphire for christmas. Then all my friends had AS so I when back to GameStop and got OR.
  • #17
I remember when I used to go hunt for " free " eshop codes on the internet every time there was a game that I wanted really so bad and it was really stupid of me >.> Or I'd try to search for ROMs or such hopelessly ... But I don't do that now that I just spend my time here :p