How many times have you dyed/colored your hair?

  • Thread starter Lovebeat
  • Start date


Nintendo 3DS Legend
Towns Folk
I have never dyed my hair, but I'm curious if anybody here has.
I've never done it and don't really plan to either.
I THINK I've dyed it like 8-9 times.. :eek:

I have black hair naturally, but I've used highlights of purple, blue, red, and even dyed it purple completely one time.
Quite a bit. I usually go sunshine blonde because I prefer it over my natural strawberry blonde. I also went chocolate brown once (with eyebrows the same colour) for a cosplay because I couldn't find a wig in time. That was really different, but didn't look unnatural because I did eyebrows.

Been meaning to colour it again but I recently got a piercing and don't want to infect it, so I guess I'm waiting a little while.
I can't dye my hair right now because of some meds (well that and it's only about 2 inches long), but back when I had my long hair, I used to dye it ALL the time. I had probably dyed it more than fifteen times, but only because the color wouldn't stay in long enough...xD

I had it every color. Burgundy red, light red, sandy colored, golden brown, off black,........etc. xD
I have never done it. I like my hair the way it is. =3
Never! I just don't like it!
i've never done it but if it was a cosplay maybe i would did.
In Pokemon X/Y twice but in real life none. It just seems silly imo and perhaps I'd even wear a wig to look silly before doing it. I don't like the fact of having color on you that lasts for a while.
  • #10
I've never had my hair dyed before. I'm too young, and it allegedly isn't very good for your hair.

If that color hairspray that they spray on your hair at school festivals and sell at Walmart for Halloween counts, then I've probably done that multiple times...