How will paper jam controls work?

  • Thread starter TheSpiritedWarrior
  • Start date


Never gives up a fight
Towns Folk
It seems like such a fun game, I am looking forward to it. My problem is, with 3 characters, that would be a bit hard. You know, controlling 3 characters at the same time. In battles, paper mario is the y button so that is a lot harder to control now. So I am wondering, will the controls be hard?
Same here I'm at a loss of the controls but I think we may be able to switch between them like in Four Swords. But I'm excited and can't wait to play it.
They may do the controls the same way they did in Dream Team, where you control Mario only and Luigi follows. And think since A makes mario jump and B makes luigi jump, then MAYBE they will make the Y button to let Paper Mario jump, I don't know. In all honestly I think this will be a pretty fun game irregardless of what the controls will be like. Two marioverses collide and I think that's a pretty neat idea.
Probably the same way the other mario and Luigi games control. But this time with an added button for paper mario. It will be interesting to see the type of puzzles they add now that there are 3 buttons to work with in this game. Especially since one of the brothers is made out of paper, when the others are fully 3d
When the DS was first announced, we thought it was going to be really difficult switching our gaze between screens. Where I'm going at is things that appear complicated; when utilizing their properties enough, you get used to them. Same case for almost anything, and controlling three characters at once is no exception. :p
Where I'm going at is things that appear complicated; when utilizing their properties enough, you get used to them. Same case for almost anything
Have you played The World Ends With You?
Have you played The World Ends With You?
I've never played it. Are you supposed to control a lot of things within the game at the same time, or is it hard, or both? (Very off-topic, I know xD)
I've never played it. Are you supposed to control a lot of things within the game at the same time, or is it hard, or both? (Very off-topic, I know xD)
Not to stay on this topic for long, but you basically control and fight with two characters at once. One's on the top screen, one's on the bottom screen. You use the D-Pad to control the top one (but they're locked into a position and can only jump and dodge and stuff), and the touch screen to control the bottom one. It's harder than it sounds and even having beaten the game I still haven't mastered it. :bag:

Amazing game though, I would recommend.
I am guessing that the controls will be somewhat like Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time, when you are controlling both Mario and Luigi and the babies at the same time. I don't remember if Mario and Luigi used the A and B buttons, while the babies used the X and Y buttons.