Worse than Togashi
Towns Folk
If the forum rules haven't changed, I can't sell non Kalos-marked Pokémon, so that tinies up my shop quite a bit ;-;
Here's what I have to sell:
Lv. 9 Female Hawlucha
25/18/17/16/26 adamant
Lv. 38 Male Pangoro
100/74/64/66/58 modest
Lv. 43 Female Blastoise
90/103/78/87/94 naive
Lv. 1 Male Torchic
6/6/6/5/5 lax
All of them are shiny
Price: N/A
Here's what I have to sell:
Lv. 9 Female Hawlucha
25/18/17/16/26 adamant
Lv. 38 Male Pangoro
100/74/64/66/58 modest
Lv. 43 Female Blastoise
90/103/78/87/94 naive
Lv. 1 Male Torchic
6/6/6/5/5 lax
All of them are shiny
Price: N/A