The Masochistic Hardcore Player XP
Towns Folk
so ive done enough that i can probably say what i think are the worst sub missions in the entire game. im pretty decent with several characters so i know when something is actual garbage (most likely). I didnt have very elongated struggles with many of these but theres almost always a junk mission somewhere.. here are mine i think are worst:
#1 The Seige of Fort Hateno i did not complete this, but i spent a good hour trying to and it didnt go very well. this sub mission is skippable as it doest appear before final hidden character but im not gonna lie when i say this mission gave me the struggle of a lifetime despite only spending one hour on... This one is boss hording at its absolute worst. not only are there a hundred thousand guardians everywhere but you also have to babysit at the base AND make sure they dont make it collapse. get more than 2 guardians in there and it probably wont end well. on top of all this ridiculous carnage you also have a time limit to deal with all of this, astor, harbringer ganon (twice for these two), kill maliced bosses to reach the mission way points and then hope too much junk doesnt get inside the fort in this entire crazy process! i dont expect an end game mission to be easy, but this? i think this is more relentless than the perfect run in mario galaxy 2... never thought id ever be saying that... seriously, who is trying to give us hours of headache here?
#2 Hair Width Trial: expert+ this is one of the worst for some very wrong reasons... the sub mission description says "one hit failure". yep, you read that right: one hit youre done, flippint start over... why nintendo? and not only is it one strike youre out, but the required targets are some very spongy enemies, one is a lynel and another is a guardian. normally im like "ok just be careful, problem solved", but here? You can die to some of the dumbest things possible like a stupid octorok ball or a bokoblin arrow which are normally very weak and at most a minor nuisance; here they become gamebreaking in a very stupid way. that is all that has to go wrong to have to restart the mission! this isnt legit challenge this is cheap garbage ! =P
hair width trial: expert some of the things i wrote above are also same problem here, but the environment is easily worse in this case and theres wizzards who can surprise hit you through walls or snipe you unexpectedly with their magic (how many cheap ways to lose a map do we really need nintendo?). and there are a lot of hallways which forced me to spam ZR lasers on pretty much everything to avoid being hit... i spent half an hour trying to do just that and no other sub missions took this long. same with expert+... none of the sub missions killed me as much as this garbage did... the above one is even worse... the hallways in this one are a legitimate danger since some places are bad risk of spawn camp from enemies. then you gotta make sure the bosses dont see you before you finish killing mobs as a safety measure. im ok with a patience measure so to speak, but this just demands too much perfection
so these are the worst imo... what sub missions do you think are worst?
#1 The Seige of Fort Hateno i did not complete this, but i spent a good hour trying to and it didnt go very well. this sub mission is skippable as it doest appear before final hidden character but im not gonna lie when i say this mission gave me the struggle of a lifetime despite only spending one hour on... This one is boss hording at its absolute worst. not only are there a hundred thousand guardians everywhere but you also have to babysit at the base AND make sure they dont make it collapse. get more than 2 guardians in there and it probably wont end well. on top of all this ridiculous carnage you also have a time limit to deal with all of this, astor, harbringer ganon (twice for these two), kill maliced bosses to reach the mission way points and then hope too much junk doesnt get inside the fort in this entire crazy process! i dont expect an end game mission to be easy, but this? i think this is more relentless than the perfect run in mario galaxy 2... never thought id ever be saying that... seriously, who is trying to give us hours of headache here?
#2 Hair Width Trial: expert+ this is one of the worst for some very wrong reasons... the sub mission description says "one hit failure". yep, you read that right: one hit youre done, flippint start over... why nintendo? and not only is it one strike youre out, but the required targets are some very spongy enemies, one is a lynel and another is a guardian. normally im like "ok just be careful, problem solved", but here? You can die to some of the dumbest things possible like a stupid octorok ball or a bokoblin arrow which are normally very weak and at most a minor nuisance; here they become gamebreaking in a very stupid way. that is all that has to go wrong to have to restart the mission! this isnt legit challenge this is cheap garbage ! =P
hair width trial: expert some of the things i wrote above are also same problem here, but the environment is easily worse in this case and theres wizzards who can surprise hit you through walls or snipe you unexpectedly with their magic (how many cheap ways to lose a map do we really need nintendo?). and there are a lot of hallways which forced me to spam ZR lasers on pretty much everything to avoid being hit... i spent half an hour trying to do just that and no other sub missions took this long. same with expert+... none of the sub missions killed me as much as this garbage did... the above one is even worse... the hallways in this one are a legitimate danger since some places are bad risk of spawn camp from enemies. then you gotta make sure the bosses dont see you before you finish killing mobs as a safety measure. im ok with a patience measure so to speak, but this just demands too much perfection
so these are the worst imo... what sub missions do you think are worst?