I have trouble watching anime.

  • Thread starter DarkMatterGaming
  • Start date


Towns Folk
I'm posting this for advice, mostly.

When it comes to me and anime - and manga in general - I don't really go out of my way to watch it. I watched Full Metal Alchemist's first episode and then stopped, got to the midway point of Attack on Titan then stopped, started marathoning Digimon 02 after watching 01 and (guess what!) I stopped.

My questions are: does anyone else have this problem or am I just some sort of weirdo? And more importantly, how do I make myself pay attention to something I want to watch? My backlog's going nuts because I want to watch things but never get around to it and it's driving me nuts!
Don't worry, friend! I have this problem too! If I can't or don't want to sit there and just watch the anime, I find something to do while listening to it. For me, it only works for the English dubs because I can't speak Japanese. Some of the things you could do are simple, like cleaning a part of your room, folding laundry, getting dressed, doing a puzzle, checking your email, etc. For the manga, you can't really do anything. But most of the times if they have an anime, it will be close enough to the manga that it will be like you have done both.

If you want to make yourself pay attention, just turn distractions off like your phone or computer(unless you are watching anime on your computer or reading the manga on it). Always take breaks and invite a friend over to watch it with you so you have a reason to pay attention. Watching with a friend usually makes it more fun too. That's all the advice I can really give you, but I hope you catch up on everything!
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You might not find the anime you like best yet.
Sometimes I have this problem, but only when I have to wait every week for a new episode and I forgot how exciting they ended last episode.
Sometimes I like reading manga better and I feel like the story is more connected when I wait for it.
I really appreciate the advice!

I haven't considered doing anything while watching anime to be perfectly honest; maybe breeding while playing FMA in the background may make it go faster...

Yeah, I think that's what my main problem is; I really like anime and all but the only one I can safely say I really like is Nabari no Ou. One of the better English dubs I've seen to be honest.
I enjoy playing some Star Fox and SSB4 while Soul Eater plays I the background :)
I feel the same honestly. You can check out my animelist (user is torchica), all those unfinished anime....
The last anime I've watched was Sakurasou and I haven't even fully finished it because I got bored of it. I have yet to find an anime lately that's completely caught my interest. Nagi No Asukara (my icon) is an anime that I watched with a friend and finished in a few days, that was in the summer and the last recent anime I finished. Perhaps it will be more fun if you watch with a friend? :D It'll get you to discuss it & focus more on it.
If you really can't watch anime anymore, just give it time. Anime will always come back to you, it's a lifestyle :p But even if it doesn't, your personal interests probably change a lot and that's totally fine.