I need help!

  • Thread starter Storm3DS_
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Majoras Mask or Monster Hunter 4U?

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Pika Pika!
Towns Folk
Hey so i have enough money to either buy monster hunter 4 or majoras mask 3D but i really cant decide can anyone help me out?
The only thing I can say that can help you decide is that Majora's Mask is a game that you play alone while Monster Hunter can be played with friends. That's why I bought Majora's Mask but maybe you're not the same kind of person as I am.

Other than this fundamental difference, it's really a matter of personal preference and I don't think anyone can really tell you why a game is better than the other with you agreeing to all points.
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The only thing I can say that can help you decide is that Majora's Mask is a game that you play alone while Monster Hunter can be played with friends. That's why I bought Majora's Mask but maybe you're not the same kind of person as I am.

Other than this fundamental difference, it's really a matter of personal preference and I don't think anyone can really tell you why a game is better than the other with you agreeing to all points.
I completely agree with Hayleia, all that we can say is our opinion on which game is better
in my opinion I would go with MM3D, but that's me, and I like the original
In my other opinion I don't like the MH series so... ._.
I think that in order for you to get a feel of both games and know which you want most is watch a bit of gameplay on youtube for both games.
Both are nice I would say but it depends on what type of game you like . I like Majoras Mask more because of its story and gameplay so I chose that also because I'm a fan of the Zelda Series , but here are some questions you can ask yourself:

1. Which series do you like more?
2. Which one has more continuability to play over and over?
3. Which of the two games style of play do you prefer ( like questing , fighting, role-playing , etc. )

Hope that helps :p
I would say definetly get monster hunter 4u. It is a completly new game while majoras mask is just a remake that you can play anytime on an emulator for your phone. Majoras mask is a good game, but monster hunter 4u is a lot better and will probably last you a lot longer. Monster hunter 4u has probably over 300 hours of content with the veriety of forging items and added multiplayer. Majoras mask has all the fun in one 40 hourish go while mh4u spreads it out over 300+ hrs
Zelda is really better and M. Mask is an epic game! xD
Just like most people are saying here. It really depends on what type of game you like. If you want a game that you can play for hours and hours slaying monsters in a ridiculously huge environment with a lot of items to find and a lot of armor and colectibles, then get MH4U.
But if you're looking for an adventure action game with a darker story and well thought out dungeons and puzzles as well as sidequests that will also keep you packed for hours. Then get MM3D. It's a pretty tough choice. But if you really can't decide then either randomly pick one or wait for another/better game to get. There are quite a few out there.
In my opinion you should get Majora's Mask because it brings back so many childhood memories.
I would say Majoras mask 3D. I really like the legend of zelda series and I really like the older games on the n64. I really like the new games with better graphics and all. I haven't played the monster hunter series thought so I can't be a good judge.
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Though I'm sure at this point you already have the game of your choosing, but Majora's Mask looks like a lot more fun. Not to mention the graphics look nice, I heard many great things Majora's Mask and it's part of the biggest franchise.

I haven't heard much from Monster Hunter, from those who played say it's really good.