I only have $10.00...

  • Thread starter Kakea
  • Start date


Towns Folk
I only have $10.00 in the eshop,should I find a game for that price or save?
I only have $10.00 in the eshop,should I find a game for that price or save?
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Reactions: Kakea
Save, there aren't too many great games for $10. If you had $15 I would have suggested getting Shovel Knight or Azure Striker.
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Reactions: 18
It depends what games you like, lol
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Reactions: Kakea
Save. Chances are that a great game will come along for or be discounted to $29.99 and you'll be able to buy it by adding another $20. Only spend those $10 if there's a game you desperately want at that price or below. :panda:
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Reactions: Kakea and Ashkil
i would save i have like 10.46 in my account atm and im going to save for a good game. if i were you o would save or i would buy virtual console.
Hmmmm I SHOULD save...I'll wait 'til I have enough for Freaky Forms snd Murasame Castle!
It is very difficult to save money in the eShop because of all the great games currently. I remember back in June I bought a 35 dollar eShop card as I intended to buy 1001 Spikes and A World of Keflings when they released. I instead bought other cheap games which added up in the long run... and I still haven't bought 1001 Spikes! (A World of Keflings hasn't been released yet.)
Save ^^ when you get more money on the eshop then spend it on a really good game that you like XD
  • #10
Cave Story? Attack of the Friday Monsters? Crimson Shroud? Weapon Shop de Omasse?

Saving is a good option, but there are good games around. Not that with long gameplay, but still worth it.
  • #11
Saving would be a good option, though there are a lot of VC games for around $5 if you're interested in those =o