Idea: Customizable Amiibo

  • Thread starter mjihayviv
  • Start date


Nintendo 3DS Addict
Towns Folk
So, nowadays it seems like there is a customizable version of everything. This can include phone cases, notebooks, binders, and even Coke bottles. My idea is that there should be customizable Mii Amiibos. This can be for any game, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, any other Mii game. You can go to the Nintendo website, and log into your Nintendo Network ID. Then you can order an Amiibo based on either your Nintendo Network Mii, or any other Mii existing on one of your consoles. They could make it and send it to you in a special box for that specific Amiibo, and it can be compatable with your mii in any of your games.

Comment what you think of this idea.
this would definitely give me another reason than just smash bros to get an amiibo! they could even have things exclusive to them, like new mii fighter outfits in smash or characters in MK8 :cat:
I guess that really wouldn't hurt as much so I think that I really like the idea , and perhaps maybe the amiibo might come with an extra nifty stuff along with it :p nothing much too big but customizable amiibo would be really awesome in my opinion :D
I've seen some custom amiibo paintjobs and they look really great, there's even a shop for it where you can order a custom amiibo of your choice and customize it however you want to. I like the idea of using your NNID to purchase them though, it's a nice touch to the custom amiibo business. Now if only they weren't so scarce...
In their final entry to the franchise, Skylanders ended up doing this, allowing the customer to order custom Skylanders based on their designs. No idea how popular this ended up being. From what I saw, it was relatively cool, might actually be something worth keeping unlike all the other overpriced pieces of plastic. Something personal and nostalgic.

However, I don't really think Miis are entirely important, nor would this likely be a profitable move for Nintendo. I can't see many people buying into it. No way to tell, I suppose, but especially with how much amiibo have faded in popularity, I don't think this is neither profitable or likely in the least. Or even desired at all aside from a very few people who would actually make use of it.

That said, I think it's a cool idea. I always loved creating my own things, having something personal, even if Miis aren't entirely the most customisable avatars out there. Wonder if anyone else would like to see this? Really, all I want is for them to bring amiibo back into the limelight, give them something more to do with.
If you were that dedicated to the option there is ways of you to make your own, even 3D print them with a tag you alter with your phone. That being said if you just wanted the tag you could actually put it anywhere like you said and it wouldn't cost a thing and it does save the owner too so you could put the Mii on the system to use everywhere. If they had a stand that worked with Lego and a disc to put inside it would work very well and that but keep in mind that option would be where all the profit is going.