Spin Off I'm getting false update notifications for Shuffle and Rumble World

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No Limits
Towns Folk
So this started with me sometime in late August or early September. Basically, I finally got the custom themes working for the CHMM Theme Manager in the 3DS Hombrew Menu. During that time, I kept the DNS on the one set for the Homebrew to run so that meant I couldn't update games or connect to the eShop. One day, I saw that there was an update for Pokémon Shuffle so I tapped "Download Now". But I wanted to check the details in the eShop first so I canceled and went to the eShop. So while there, I saw no "To Update Screen" and when I went to see if any games needed updating, I was told there was no updates available. I looked up of there was actually an update but when I checked the list of updates for Shuffle on serebii, the last update was the current version I have. I now switch the DNS settings to Auto-Obtain after choosing my custom theme but now this also happens with RUMBLE WORLD TOO! Is anybody having this problem because I swear, if I'm missing out on something cool, I'm just going to reset everything. Not in Shuffle though, happened once. Not losing Mew, Celebi, Keldo, and Jirachi. And I have repaired Rumble World before but I'm still getting these false update notifications.