Important Attack on Titan News

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A C Class Youtuber
Towns Folk
thier has been announced a crossover between marvel and attack on titan. if you think im lieing think again, a producer from marvel admited to this cross over when he was on his trip in japan. also as a cool bonus he has also had drawn spider man swinging out of a titans way. im not completly sure wiether or not its gonna be a comics, or a show. the news has been very vauge up till now. and we can only hope it will turn out great just like attack on titan. and come on, who dosent want to see the hulk get eaten by a titan.
Honestly, I can't picture this happening, like, ever, considering it's Japanese anime crossed with an american comic book/cartoon/movie series. How would this "producer" get the rights? So I'd like to see a reliable source, if you can link one, that is.
I came expecting I'd have to say either something about spoilers or something about season 2.

I got even more ridiculous levels of franchise milking than I thought Shingeki could experience, even with its popularity; mostly because it's mostly popular niche entertainment like SMT games that get milked to death: see Persona making a sequel to a spinoff of the fourth game.
ya, but still it may not be that bad. i mean if they still eat the people in newyork, and keeping the shows originality. then id exept it, they better not child it down just because it has the marvel cast in it
This is going to be totally weird. I like Attack on Titan and Marvel but don't think I'll check this spinoff though.
Well ya It might suck. but still havent you ever just wandered what if Loki summoned the titans to attack earth. think about it thier praticly invencible. and they wont guess thier weakness, so its gonna be one heck of a battle. plus thier strong, fast, and can regenerate. so the hulk is gonna have some trouble here.
It already announced for a while. Armin looks totally like a girl in Marvel's drawing style. I like the Japanese style more.
Not really sure why they do a cross over. I'm more looking forward to the Live Action
ya, btw the creator of aot is the one working on the comic himself. so if hes making the plot of it, then it wont be much diffrent
  • #10
Based off what Numage had said about Armin (who's my favorite) wonder if they will keep Levi looking like himself and won't go slapping a beard or mustache on him or any unnecessary hair.

I'm looking forward to seeing Titan!Eren though:D and Potato Girl!

And if all hope is lost we can count on Deadpool!
  • #11
I think that this will do Ok.... I certainly don't hate the series, but I don't like it either... I honestly don't know what to say about this, a Japanese anime being crossed over with Marvel. This seems.... wrong, I see that Attack on Titan is really popular, but this may just be unnecessary.
  • #12
I mean... I guess it sorta makes sense. Spider Man swings around his town, much like how they use the 3D maneuver gear. They could probably teach each other a few things.
Though, I'm surprised at the concept here. A famous American Comic company crossing with a famous Japanese anime...
That's certainly interesting.
  • #13
I read the eight pages they had released...and I have to say everything happened to fast! O-o