Internet slang?

  • Thread starter Mikaya
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Towns Folk
you know what I'm on about. ;)

btw, ttyl, cya, brb, bbl, k, afk, thx...there are loads. Do you use them on forums or even in IMing? I do, on both. Or maybe you find it annoying when others use this language? :p
Occasionally I use it. Very, very occasionally. BRB and the like are OK because they're for when a person is in a hurry anyway :p I also say, 'Lulz,' if I find something very funny, but for the most part I don't use Internet slang. I love that almost everyone here punctuates their posts properly;

(^ Sorry, couldn't resist doing that :hilarious: )

I'm talking about IMing and shoutboxes of course. On a forum full punctuation is a must and I find people using internet slang ever so slightly annoying.
Internet slang is like a sloppy joe without the "joe" for talking online. Even not using proper grammar gets annoying and it is fine to use abbreviations some, to be honest, but they shouldn't be abused.
The only "internet slang" term I use is "lol", really. Sometimes I say "BRB", but other than that it's very, very rare that I use Internet slang unless I'm in a hurry or something (which usually I'm not). Even via IMing and the like it's still rare for me. I don't get annoyed when other people use it though. As long as I can understand their post, then likely I won't mention anything about it (this goes for grammar, too).
I only use "LOL" "lmao" and "brb". Anything else I just use as a joke rofl
lol, brb, ttyl, tbh and of course, w/e @Mikaya :p
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I only use "LOL" "lmao" and "brb". Anything else I just use as a joke rofl
Same thing here. I'm pretty sure majority of people fall in this category as well. At least on these forums.
Yeah i use to use them as Omg,wtf and some others