While there are no DLC and "updates", you still get daily ghost replays from all over the world with Spotpass! The single player is really short, still lots of fun, but what is great is the multiplayer! There are always people online, you can make your own community (which is kind of like a private server) to play with your friends, there are already many kinds of things to do, as you can also do coin and balloon battles and, most importantly, the online play has almost no lag or waiting times whatsoever! The most I've waited to play online when not in a community was hardly 30 seconds, which is a pretty good time and have only experience lag when playing against my gf who has terrible internet connection, but the game itself won't lag, just the position! What I mean by that is that, when lag kicks in, you are still in the game and you can hit others or get hit yourself, but you are basically temporary partially offline. They made it so you won't have the usual "teleportation" lagging problems other games have. You still play normally and can still win without worsening your experience! The only bad thing about it is that after you finish the single player and you play online, after some time, say 2-3K races total, you will just leave the game and only have it as something to play when bored or have too little free time to do something else (you will play only around 15-20 minutes per session usually)! Still, it will take quite some time to reach that point and it's definitely worth the money!