It seems Nintendo and Sony are good now

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Towns Folk
With Cloud in Super Smash Bros. For Wii U and Nintendo 3DS, and all the Final Fantasy games coming to 3DS, it seems Nintendo and Sony are done feuding. Wouldn't it be cool to see more Nintendo x Sony stuff happening? Maybe Sony-themed Mystery Mushroom Costumes and Event Courses in Super Mario Maker to boost Sony sales worldwide...? How about some F-Zero DLC for free in the new Forza game on PlayStation only to get more fans of Nintendo in the US area? Maybe some PS1 games on Wii U's virtual console? I mean we have Metal Gear Solid 3D: Snake Eater on 3DS eShop. I can only hope...
Now that's all wishful thinking. At the end of the day, you're talking about Nintendo putting their exclusives on Playstation and vice versa. Also, Forza is an XBOX exclusive. Sony is a Japanese company along with Nintendo themselves. You're thinking of Gran Turismo. Either way, I can't see F-Zero machines entering a game like that. Lastly, Metal Gear Solid isn't a Playstation exclusive. It's been made on other consoles before. Although some games have been made an exclusive for Playstation systems.
Also, FF is Square, not Sony (unless they bought Square, but that would be terrible, tell me it didn't happen already)
As it's been said, Cloud doesn't belong to Sony.

However, I don't think they are still in conflict after what, 20 years? They are competitors but not enemies, that would be quite childish.
Hmm... Unless they make a cross deal and ps4 can play n64 games and wii u can play ps1 games, I have no idea how it will work. But that would be fantastic. Nintendo and sony are still competitors, even if they do different things. But nah, evreything is copyrighted and I do not think 2 companies would actually want to help eachother, so forget it sadly. That would be plain silly for 2 companies to help eachother.

You know what would a dream? A next gen console where all Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft create an ultimate console. 9th gen console wars saved. A man can only dream.
Hmm... Unless they make a cross deal and ps4 can play n64 games and wii u can play ps1 games, I have no idea how it will work. But that would be fantastic. Nintendo and sony are still competitors, even if they do different things. But nah, evreything is copyrighted and I do not think 2 companies would actually want to help eachother, so forget it sadly. That would be plain silly for 2 companies to help eachother.

You know what would a dream? A next gen console where all Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft create an ultimate console. 9th gen console wars saved. A man can only dream.
Bad idea! Competition is a good thing. If they all teamed up, they could put out a crappy console and still make money cause there wouldn't be any better console for people to choose.
Bad idea! Competition is a good thing. If they all teamed up, they could put out a crappy console and still make money cause there wouldn't be any better console for people to choose.
Whoops. lol, just realized that. That is a terrible idea.
Maybe, but I don't see Nintendo putting their precious IPs on a Sony console, or Sony, Nintendo. I'm pretty sure most of the salt between companies has dissolved by now, but one can never know for a fact. Grudges can last for lifetimes. xP