Closed J9's pokemon shop [IV Breeding|EV training|leveling up]

  • Thread starter J9794
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But you can call me Jay Nine Seven Nine Four
Towns Folk

Welcome to my humble shop.
I'm offering the services named in the title of the post.
I have access to almost all non-legendary unevolved pokemon, so just ask for the pokemon you want.
In order to make this as ordered as possible, these are my rules:
1. I don't sell pokemon that require an item to evolve (ex.: weavile, steelix, scizor).
2. The base price for all the pokemon is the same: 1 PC.
3. Any service you want will add up to that base price:


  • Selecting the nature of the pokemon is free.
  • Breeding it with 5 perfect IVs: 1PC.
  • Breeding a rare gender (pokemon that have more chances of being born a gender than the other): 1PC.
  • Breeding with a HA: 1PC.
  • Breeding with egg moves: 1PC.
  • Leveling it up to 50: 1PC.
  • EV training it: 1PC.
  • Max price will be 5PC. This means, even if you selected all the services, you will have to pay 5PC instead of 7PC.
4. I don't have all HA pokemon, I'll edit my post so you know which HA pokemon I have.


Here, I'll post pokemon that I already have in the boxes so you won't have to wait for me to breed them, the format in which they are displayed is the following:

Lvl Gender Nature Ability IVs Species (With Eggmoves) x Quantity Available. Price

  • Lvl 1 Male Modest Hustle 31/x/31/31/31/31 Togepi x 16. 1PC
  • Lvl 1 Male Modest Hustle 31/31/31/31/31/31 Togepi x 2. 2PC
  • Lvl 1 Male Modest Serene Grace 31/x/31/31/31/31 Togepi x 2. 2PC
  • Lvl 1 Female Modest Synchronize 31/x/31/31/31/31 Ralts x 1. 2PC
  • Lvl 1 Female Modest Trace 31/x/31/31/31/31 Ralts x 1. 2PC
  • Lvl 16 Male Modest Synchronize 31/x/31/31/31/31 Ralts x 1. 2PC
  • Lvl 1 Male Adamant No Guard 31/31/31/x/31/31 Machop (with Quick Guard/Bullet Punch/Ice Punch/Knock Off) x 1. 2PC
  • Lvl 19 Male Adamant Guts 31/31/31/x/31/31 Machop x 1. 1PC

  • Lvl 1 Male Adamant Thick Fat 31/31/31/x/31/31 Swinub (with Stealth Rock/Icicle Crash/Freeze-Dry) x 1. 3PC

  • Lvl 1 Female Modest Hustle 31/x/31/31/31/31 Nidoran♀ x 1. 2PC

I don't have all HA pokemon, so check in this list if I have the HA pokemon you need (I can breed any of these) :
001 Bulbasaur Clorophyll
007 Squirtle Rain Dish
010 Caterpie Run Away
029 Nidoran♀ Hustle
032 Nidoran♂ Hustle
049 Venonat Run Away
057 Mankey Defiant
060 Poliwag Swift Swim
063 Abra Magic Guard
077 Ponyta Flame Body
083 Farfetch'd Defiant
086 Seel Ice Body
090 Shellder Overcoat
111 Rhyhorn Reckless
113 Chansey Healer
114 Tangela Regenerator
133 Anticipation
142 Aerodactyl Unnerve
147 Dratini Marvel Scale
163 Hoothoot Tinted Lens
172 Pichu Lighting Rod
173 Cleffa Friend Guard
175 Togepi Super Luck
194 Wooper Unaware
198 Murkrow Prankster
211 Froakie Protean
213 Shuckle Contrary
220 Swinub Thick Fat
236 Tyrogue Vital Spirit
240 Magby Vital Spirit
265 Wurmple Run Away
290 Nincada Run Away
293 Whismur Rattled
302 Sableye Prankster
322 Numel Own Tempo
328 Trapinch Sheer Force
331 Cacnea Water Absorb
341 Corphish Adaptability
353 Shuppet Cursed Body
357 Tropius Harvest
390 Chimchar Iron Fist
401 Kricketot Run Away
422 Shellos Sand Force
442 Spiritomb Infiltrator
447 Riolu Prankster
459 Snover Soundproof
585 Deerling Serene Grace
613 Cubchoo Rattled
621 Druddigon Mold Breaker
627 Rufflet Hustle
650 Chespin Bulletproof
653 Fennekin Magician
661 Fletchling Gale Wings
667 Litleo Moxie
674 Pancham Scrapy
677 Espurr Own Tempo
684 Swirlix Unburden
703 Carbink Sturdy
710 Pumpkaboo Insomnia
Have a nice time, and comment below to ask for the service.
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I want a modest female Togetic (or Togekiss I can give the shiny stone that is required for it's evolution) with Serene Grace as ability, 5 IV's (though I'd rather have 6, I can pay 2 or pc extra for that!) with Airslash, Ancient power, Thunderwave and Tri Attack. Please EV train and level up to level 50 (100 if possible), if all the extra stuff I asked for is included I can pay 15 pc :D
I want a modest female Togetic (or Togekiss I can give the shiny stone that is required for it's evolution) with Serene Grace as ability, 5 IV's (though I'd rather have 6, I can pay 2 or pc extra for that!) with Airslash, Ancient power, Thunderwave and Tri Attack. Please EV train and level up to level 50 (100 if possible), if all the extra stuff I asked for is included I can pay 15 pc :D

I'm sorry but it seems it's impossible to breed a togepi with Tri-Attack (the only way to get that move is in Pokemon XD, and since it's not an egg move it can't be passed down. Then, you want the attack IV to be 0, right? because nothing in your moveset is physical so it would only be useful when it's confused or when something uses foul play against it.
So, if you want to keep going with togetic, tell me another move instead of Tri attack, and tell me if you want the attack IV to be 31 or 0 (It'll take me some time to breed for all that but I'll get it).
Please make it Dazzling Gleam then (if possible) and 0 in attack is fine with me ^^
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Please make it Dazzling Gleam then (if possible) and 0 in attack is fine with me ^^

Dazzling Gleam is alright. By the way, I got a 31/2-5/31/31/31/31 female modest togepi with Serene Grace. The attack is not 0 but it's still pretty low, and the chances of getting a female serene grace togepi with everything perfect and 0 attack is 1 in 2976, so would you be cool with that togepi? (so I begin leveling up and stuff). Also, can you provide the shiny stone? (I'll give you togekiss using one of mine, but you'll have to trade me a pokemon holding a shiny stone in return).
Finally, tell me the EV spread you want.
Your Togepi sounds great, when are you online to trade the stone? Also to be honest I am an absolute noob at EV's, any advice would be appreciated.
Your Togepi sounds great, when are you online to trade the stone? Also to be honest I am an absolute noob at EV's, any advice would be appreciated.

I'm online now, just add me and we can trade. And I'm no expert either on competitive, but since you are using thunder wave (you won't need much speed if you paralyze your foe) + air slash (paraflinch) and ancient power (which doesn't deal a lot of damage instantly but has a chance of stacking stat-ups on several uses) it might be good to have a bulky togekiss. Also, since it's modest boosting the sp.atk seems like the best option. So, what do you think about 252HP/4Def/252S.Atk?
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Okay but it needs to be able to take a few hits too, would 4 Def suffice for that? Anyway, added you and I'm online. Are you Juan?
Okay but it needs to be able to take a few hits too, would 4 Def suffice for that? Anyway, added you and I'm online. Are you Juan?

Yes, I am, and we can try to calculate a few hits in a damage calculator against pokemon that you think togekiss will have to face.
  • #10
Good idea, but we an hardly try to calculate for every singly competitive poke. And my connecting is really bad, it seems as if the trade failed?
  • #11
Good idea, but we an hardly try to calculate for every singly competitive poke. And my connecting is really bad, it seems as if the trade failed?

Yep, it failed.
But we can test against some common pokemon, to have an idea of how well it will take hits.
  • #12
Okay, but I'll be offline pretty soon (timezone troubles -.-) so can it wait until tomorrow?
  • #13
Okay, but I'll be offline pretty soon (timezone troubles -.-) so can it wait until tomorrow?

Sure, I can reset the EVs later anyways if something needs to be changed.
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  • #14
  • #15
Can I have this machop?
  • Lvl 19 Male Adamant Guts 31/31/31/x/31/31 Machop
  • #16
Can I have this machop?
  • Lvl 19 Male Adamant Guts 31/31/31/x/31/31 Machop
sure, I've added you, add me and tell me when you are online to trade
  • #17
  • #18
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  • #19
  • #20
May i please have a lv 1 ralts with the ability syncronize 5 perfect ivs in attack sp atk sp def speed defence?Oh may i please have your friend code?My friend code is 0705-4918-5695.Does this work with omega ruby/alpha sapphire?