Just beat tyrannotitan kurodil in xenoblade 2.... heres some tips to survive

  • Thread starter Kadaj
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The Masochistic Hardcore Player XP
Towns Folk
so after like 200 hours of gameplay i finally got through the crazy field skill requirement needed to fight what very well seems like the strongest sub boss in the entire game. not only is he lv 130, but he has A LOT of very high damage attacks and almost all of these do around a 2K damage minimum (1500-1100 if youre lucky... yes, i know thats still a big chunk to swallow) and if you dont have at least 7000 HP on everyone this isnt going to be a very fun ride, especially if youre going to grind his item drops like me. so for anyone crazy enough to do this on bringer of chaos youre probably getting one shotted by almost all of this without max health (8000 might work but youd better get it as high as possible), im pretty sure that 2K minimum from almost every attack is probably a 4K damage minimum instead... yeah, thats gonna be a lot of fun lol... two hits youll be done if this is true. oh and if that didnt sound bad enough he can also cast down which kills you in one hit regardless of your stats! now fortunately this has only killed two people in one go for me but if he hits all three characters on max difficulty you really cant afford this at all as that would mean an instant game over. there might be a blade combo for doom immunity but i havent come across it yet (might have the wrong blade arrangement).

and i dont really know how to counter doom, so im very sorry and cant really help with that problem other than advising to keep your guage as full as possible so that when he does do this you can revive partners or have them revive you if you were hit (assuming he doesnt triple wipe with this, im going to hope he doesnt since thats an instant game over and literally would ruin the fight for me whiich is bad for grinding). if you can, fight some random enemies before you start and hurry back to where he is so you have more bars when you start (try not to go too far though). other than this i really just played the healer for the whole grind so far using blade nia since my main focus was honestly survival. i normally do strong offensive approaches but this unique monster does so much damage with almost every attack and casts reflect as well making that seem risky to me. normal and easy (or even custom) is fine like this, as long as youre careful and dont chain attack too early its not horrible but bringer of chaos i wouldnt be surprised if a full elemental burst is mandatory as he has an insane amount of health with already strong attacks snd that leaves a lot more room for very bad accidents forcing you to start the battle over. on the average difficulties the reflect damage doesnt seem to matter if you play the healer but the rest of this is a bigger problem.

also i suggest victory smoothie and caraline mamba for the food items (these are my personal favorites). and make sure to keep your lv 4 special ready if it starts looking bad as well since enemies cant hurt you during the animations from these, but the game shows their attack still happening which is an important safety measure in these fights. hope this helps, and i dont really suggest doing this super boss as your first one... unless you have at least 3 S+ blades its not a good one to attempt too early on. but he is worth it once youre strong enough and drops a good chip and some special accessories that are also great