Kid Icarus may be the most impressive series Nintendo has ever made

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I made Resetti's Bad list.
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Kid Icarus may not have a lot of games, in fact, there are only 3 games in that franchise that arent a reamke:

Thats it. So within 3 games, you go from this:


Do you know how long it took for Mario to get his own 3D game?
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Yeah, and Pit did it on his 3rd game.

Still not impressed?
He created a wholeuniverse, introduced dozens upon dozens of new characters and made it all seem familiar.
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In Mario's defense, he didn't have a 25 year gap between games. Nor did he have the game developing master Masahiro Sakurai work on any of his games, either.
I gotta agree. Kid Icarus Uprising was pure brilliance in the form of a video game. The gameplay was so satisfying, especially once you finally master the controls. Plus the story was hilarious with brilliant characters. The weapon system was deep, the 3D and graphics were awesome and the difficulty was the perfect level of challenging. And of course the soundtrack was to die for.
In case you haven't realised yet, I'm a huge fan
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Hades is super fantastic. I just wish the game was longer... ( I still haven't cleared everything on hardcore but the story was sooooo epic.) I hope they won't let us wait for the next one another 25 years. The game was beautiful, had a great storyline that both flirted with the idea of being 'just' a game and incorporated some serious moral thought and it also was one heel of a loveliness when it comes to the controls.:love:
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KIU was a genius what-if situation where Kid Icarus converts to the 3D world since that's what games did on the N64. And since in KIU you do a lot of shooting and dodging, let's have it be like Metroid Prime Hunters only with better online multiplayer and it would be a big seller. It definitely improved upon the personality of the previous two and since Metroid was a pretty popular or longer lasting series than KI (even if they began at the same time period and had games on the same consoles) it would be neat to do exactly what KIU did and it would be a true system seller. And it turns out it was. Also I think I either saw some Wii or Wii U Kid Icarus demo but I don't remember where on Youtube. Either way there probably not be that game coming out. So yeah KIU was a big hit because it brought back an old franchise and it appealed to a younger audience because it was completely new as well as it being a shooter game.

Retro KI was awesome, had a trademark difficulty because the game would last longer, and the enemies and backgrounds were neat because they had a cartoony 8-bit personality or atmosphere every game should have. It really does have a strange but nice reverse difficulty (sort of like Master Core in Smash if you haven't noticed with the harder to beat Giant first with the thing getting smaller and smaller until you win). Basically if you pass the trials and tribulations and are still alive with a ton points you get stronger arrows which are used to defeat enemies all with the same amount of health all the time. The bosses have neat patterns much like the KIU bosses and each with their own special approach needed to beat them otherwise you'll be playing the game a long time.

I think after this scheme they pulled off they can definitely have more potential by reviving old franchises and making them new again. I'd love to see it done with Metroid because it also has a unique atmosphere, and maybe Mother/EB if Reggie wanted it to go on since that's what we love can't wait for Mother 4 fangame and to rub it in Nintendo's face... And they are doing that with the ever hilarious Virtual Boy and ROB in Smash. We can all thank Sakurai for this guys.

However creativity might be bad for sales so if it's a multiplayer like Splatoon and overhyped I'm sure it will sell like KIU.

And if Kid Icarus was to ever have more games they would definitely be made by Sora Ltd.
Kid Icarus Uprising is probably one of my favorite 3DS games. Everything about it is pretty much perfect in my opinion. There has not been a 3DS game quite the scale of KIU. There really needs to be another Kid Icarus game, and hopefully in glorious 1080p HD on Wii U. I am sure EVERYONE would get that. There is way too much Kid Icarus stuff in Smash Bros 3DS/Wii U for there to be only 1 GAME.
You are right in saying that Kid Icarus is an impressive that Nintendo has made. I mean the KI series had two games, one that was good and one that was underrated. Then 25 years later, a game comes out that is incredible! I wonder if there will be a fourth game for the KI series.
Agreed, Kid Icarus is a really nice series by Nintendo. However, like Blaziken said, Kid Icarus games had a huge gap in between them. They also were not as popular as the Legend of Zelda, mario or Pokemon games that were immenseley popular back then.
I have played the NES version of Kid carus, as well as the GBA Kid Icarus Of Myths and Monsters. It's a really nice action-platformer and the difficulty keeps you on your toes.
I have heard so much great things about Kid Icarus Uprising, I want to get it now :/
I recently beat KIU, and it was GORGEOUS. But I swear, they broke the fourth wall so many times my 3DS's screen should be shattered by now XD The gameplay was kind of hard to grasp at first, but when I got the hang of it, I easily conquered all the chapters, and it makes me sad that i have to return the game to my friend. The online play is so fun, even when you lose, the arsenal seems more extensive than almost all of the COD games, and not only that, but through a lot of the game, you get beautiful graphics, quirky characters, and challenging levels.
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  • #10
I never heard of this game before I bought my 3ds. But I think this is such a cool game on this system that engages you to play for hours even if you beat the game, you will love to see the deep landscapes or fly through the skies with the help of the goddess palutena. I just love it
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  • #11
OOhhhh I have the game when it was at first not uprising but the one from SNES.You're right Kids Icarus maybe one of the best Nintendo franchise and have some amazing games but so does other Nintendo franchises like pokemon.I think pokemon is the greatest Nintendo franchise.
  • #12
I agree that this series game turned out to be very very impressive and even I was quite surprised as well . Almost everything was simply changed in both view and gameplay and it was truly an Uprising for sure . Who knows maybe other games will someday be like this :p