Kirby 64 has a Post-apocalyptic earth level

  • Thread starter Arronchard
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Mastr Quikskop3r!!!!!!
Towns Folk
You can always count on Kirby for an overly adorable adventure Kirby's Epic Yarn is the epitome of needlepoint charm. But there's something quite unsettling in an earlier adventure, Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. One world might actually be a post-apocalyptic Earth. It seems not everything is cute and cuddly in the pink blob's life.

The world in question is Shiver Star. At first glance, it's just an off-white icy planet. But look a little closer, and you'll see outlines of Earth's continents. The Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa--these are all clearly visible. Head down there, and you'll explore an abandoned mall, a creepy experimental lab, and an empty city with a big robot boss. It seems Earth met its demise at the hands of overconsumption and unstoppable man-made machines. Submarine Kirby, meet Apocalypse Kirby.

Wow. Just wow. And to think nintendo bans things as simple as swear words, yet therez this? I find that rather interesting on their part....and confusing. They ban simple things that everyone does, like swearing (and even simple stuff that isnt swearing like 'stupid'). I mean, come on! How frikkin soft do ya have to be, ninty?!! This is waay worse than the stupid stuff people do that you ban!! Get a frikkin life, ninty! Toughen up already! I mean, come on! Wtf?!!
Nintendo doesn't have anything to do with the level design's, Kirby is made by a completely different franchise called Hal Laboratory then released by nintendo, Hal create the entire game, Nintendo just own the rights to the pink ball of whatever that thing is lol. Nintendo might have just missed that little thing in the level/world design. Besides, those creepy little extras make Nintendo games more interesting to me, how a seemingly innocent child targeted game has a horrifying little extra, Any kid would easily miss it out or not notice it but it's what attracts the older generation in my opinion. It's so subtle yet such a major thing.
Wow. Just wow. And to think nintendo bans things as simple as swear words, yet therez this? I find that rather interesting on their part....and confusing. They ban simple things that everyone does, like swearing (and even simple stuff that isnt swearing like 'stupid'). I mean, come on! How frikkin soft do ya have to be, ninty?!! This is waay worse than the stupid stuff people do that you ban!! Get a frikkin life, ninty! Toughen up already! I mean, come on! Wtf?!!
They ban swear words because they are offensive and while this is semi mature kids are not gonna be offended by it.
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They ban swear words because they are offensive and while this is semi mature kids are not gonna be offended by it.

Yeah, but imo youve gotta be awfully soft to be hurt by that unless its something more major kek. Me? Im used to it, so it wouldnt do anything to me hehehe^^ still stupid though as far as im concerned. Wtf, nintendo....
Yeah, but imo youve gotta be awfully soft to be hurt by that unless its something more major kek. Me? Im used to it, so it wouldnt do anything to me hehehe^^ still stupid though as far as im concerned. Wtf, nintendo....
There's a huge difference between adding a little bit of a creepy easter egg that kids will easily miss out compared to just unbanning swear words, My 7 year old brother plays Ps4 sometimes and gets into a heap of trouble because the other kids swear, Would you like it if your child had a console that was seamingly child themed and friendly and then an update comes out where people could just swear freely?
There's a huge difference between adding a little bit of a creepy easter egg that kids will easily miss out compared to just unbanning swear words, My 7 year old brother plays Ps4 sometimes and gets into a heap of trouble because the other kids swear, Would you like it if your child had a console that was seamingly child themed and friendly and then an update comes out where people could just swear freely? Hehehehe i didnt think about that kek^^ but the truth is, everyone learns about it sooner or later, which really changes nothing hehehe^^ at least thats my opinion kek. Hehehehe i didnt think about that kek^^ but the truth is, everyone learns about it sooner or later, which really changes nothing hehehe^^ at least thats my opinion kek.

While that may be true, kids do learn the swears from school, tv etc. I'd think if I was a parent I'd try to keep them from learning those words for as long as I can, although it is inevitable you would try to stop your children from learning swear words. That's a part of parenting. :p
While that may be true, kids do learn the swears from school, tv etc. I'd think if I was a parent I'd try to keep them from learning those words for as long as I can, although it is inevitable you would try to stop your children from learning swear words. That's a part of parenting. :p

Yeah i would too kek. I already got a bad reputation around here, i wouldnt want the same for my kid if i ever had any hehehe^^
  • #10
Wow. Just wow. And to think nintendo bans things as simple as swear words, yet therez this? I find that rather interesting on their part....and confusing. They ban simple things that everyone does, like swearing (and even simple stuff that isnt swearing like 'stupid'). I mean, come on! How frikkin soft do ya have to be, ninty?!! This is waay worse than the stupid stuff people do that you ban!! Get a frikkin life, ninty! Toughen up already! I mean, come on! Wtf?!!

Well, there is a world of difference between an insult and the design of a level

One difference is that, surprise surprise, an insult is insulting, and the level is not

By that reasoning, nintendo couldn't make horror games because they don't like people to use insult each other...
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  • #11
This is cool actually! It was likely not meant to be lik that but I wouldnt be surprised if it is.
  • #12
I recall seeing a video of that :p While it is indeed pretty creepy when you actually consider all the different elements in the level, which I doubt any regular kid happily playing a Kirby game would ( :p ), maybe it just seems to be just something strange that wanted to be put in the game. Many games always have something like that xP
  • #13
I think you might be right. Either that or they randomly made an ice-planet that looks a whole bunch like Earth, which seems highly unlikely.
  • #14
I always find things like Shiver Star so interesting in game like Kirby. It's kind of like the final part in Wind Waker where, cartoony graphics and all, you defeat Ganondorf by plunging your sword through his HEAD. Nintendo really is a two-sided company when it comes to interesting tidbits in their games...
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