Kirby Triple Deluxe Copy Ability

  • Thread starter Starshooter223
  • Start date


Towns Folk
I just wanted to know other's favorite copy ability in Kirby Triple Deluxe and why.
My favorite is Sword just because of a combo I'm really good at.
I'd have to choose hammer ;) its so simple and is really powerful and of course easy to use! My cousins fave is sword, he says he loves it because its awesome and easy to use! And I would have to agree ;)
I think the sword is the best one, it is really easy to use and you can get a lot of combos. another one that I like is the fighter, I mean the ninja (sorry I don't remember the exact name) I jsut love to see the foe's face when kirby kicks them
I really like the whip one. You can attack enemies from a short distance. It's pretty strong and gets rid of foes quickly.