Laptop or Desktop?

  • Thread starter Mikaya
  • Start date


Towns Folk
which one you prefer and why?

I like Laptops better. More portable and easier to manage. Much more lighter than desktops. Desktops take up too much space.
For use, I much prefer my desktop, with its 3 monitors. However, I also have a laptop so I can work elsewhere. :p
I love my desktop if I'm going to be in this one room for a long time but laptops are great if you're constantly going to different rooms and stuff.
Laptop, easily, especially if you get one with good battery life.
I like to move locations, so using a laptop is much more practical.
If it was 5 years ago I'd say laptop, but now a tablet has replace that for me. PC on the other hand is still something I'd want to have in my home.
Although I own both, I prefer Laptops for whatever reason. I find that when you're doing a bunch of things on your Desktop and then you end up at someone elses house (such as your friends or your parents), it's quite a bit harder to get all of your work done when you don't have your exact configuration and/or environment. That, and when you're moving around the house, you don't want to be lugging around a 10 pound machine and hooking up cords every time you move to a different room, which I guess is one of the main reasons why I prefer laptops over Desktops.

That said, I also like laptops because... Well, they're laptops. I know that's the lamest opinion in the book, but hey, a person has their preferences. :p
Desktops for gaming. Laptops for relaxing and browsing forums.
I prefer laptops, more access and portability. Plus there smaller!!
Desktop, easier to control etc
  • #10
I like laptops because of the convenience of getting to move them around. :3
  • #11
I prefer desktops, they have have a better performance/cost ratio. In other words, you get more bang per buck.
  • #12
Desktop. I had a lot of problems with laptop in the past, especially with the overheating. I do have a Surface tablet, but it is no match for my gaming CPU :)
  • #13
I prefer a LAptop since you can move around with it and it doesn't weigh a lot of pound at all also for the fact of a mini laptop and almost every laptop has a great specification