PkMn XY/ORAS LF 5-6 IV Scrafty/Scraggy

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Aspiring Pokemon Master
Towns Folk
I'm looking for a 5-6 IV Adamant or Jolly Scrafty/Scraggy with Intimidate

I'll pay 8 PC for normal and 18 For Shiny :3

I'll throw in 2 More if you EV and Level Train it to 50 (evs would be: 252 Atk 252 Spd) and 1 More if it has Ice Punch :3
I have a 6IV Japanese Ditto, so i could try breeding the Scrafty using the Mesuda method. I can also breed it with Ice Punch and EV train it afterwards :) Ill see when it's done, maybe tomorrow though.
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I have a 6IV Japanese Ditto, so i could try breeding the Scrafty using the Mesuda method. I can also breed it with Ice Punch and EV train it afterwards :) Ill see when it's done, maybe tomorrow though.
Thank you very Much :cat:
Actually, I have one that's already bred with the egg moves/nature/ability on it. But if Billy's got this, then happy breeding!
Actually, I have one that's already bred with the egg moves/nature/ability on it. But if Billy's got this, then happy breeding!

I'll give Billy some time, if he doesn't get anything I'll take your's.
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