PkMn XY/ORAS LF: Moon Stone

  • Thread starter Skittyskull
  • Start date


I'm Not A Pikachu
Towns Folk
I need a Moon Stone for my jigglypuff, I'm willing to pay up to 5 pc
I have you covered.
So sorry for the delay, I hope the offer is still up. If not then I understand, do you also by any chance have either a wevile that I can use to register into my dex and give back or a razor claw that I could use to evolve my sneasel?
Completely fine, and yes. I do have a Weavile I can trade to you.
Alright i have your fc registered already whenever you are ready.
Ah, sorry. I wasn't online.
Nah you're alright just whenever you are ready.
I'm ready
Whats your ign?
  • #10
Joshua, it should say Friends list next to my name.
  • #11
Thank you so much!
  • #12
You're welcome!