Closed LF somebody to teach my Marshtomp earthquake

  • Thread starter Syntthetix
  • Start date


Celestial Wizard
Towns Folk
Hi everybody, I'm trying to give my Marshtomp earthquake, but I don't have the tm, so I will pay around 5 pc for somebody to do it for me.
Hi, I can help you with this! My FC is on my signature.
Swampert learns Earthquake at Level 51 anyway... Plus teaching a Pokemon Earthquake wouldn't cost 5PC xD

Anyway I would help but I don't have the time right now so sorry! ChewyPuck can help now anyway!
Hi, I can help you with this! My FC is on my signature.
Thanks, I'll add you, and could you teach it the move right now?
Sure no problem. I'll be online, so sent me the trade invite whenever. My ign is ChewyPuck
Btw, could you delete rock smash from its move set and replace it with earthquake
Crap I can't send it since it has rock smash
Sure thing, also I would like my Pikachu back :3
I'm completely unable to send it to you now
  • #10
You can put it in the PC, that would let you trade it.
  • #11
Ok ill do that
  • #12
Is there any other moves you want me to teach him?
  • #13
No, just earthquake
  • #14
Okay there you go, you can pay me 2 PC since I didn't do much. x3
  • #15